9. End and beginning

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The year was soon to be over. We took our OWL's and some took the NEWT's. It was a quiet time in Hogwarts. In this time the pranks went into the minimum. I studied for my OWL's and did them as good as I could. I wasn't so proud of my herbology grades but it was okay enough. I sat on the train with the twins. We sat there and made jokes the whole ride. I was laying on the seat as they sat on the opposite side. I was making jokes and lifted my arms to be more dramatic, not even realizing that my sleeve went down. I looked over at the twins because they weren't laughing, they were looking at my arm. 

I felt like I disappointed someone again. I hidden my whole arm in the sleeves of my hoodie. Not even my hands sticking out. I sat up normally. "Why-" I cut Fred off. "Please, don't ask," I said and looked down. I could feel the tears well up but I did not cry. I did not let myself show my tears, but they knew. They sat beside me. I leaned on one of their shoulders. "You can lie down..." I could hear Fred's voice say. I nodded. I lied my head in his lap as my feet were in George lap. 

"I'm sorry..." I said in almost a whisper. "Don't say sorry..." George said. I started laughing as George started tickling my feet. I tried to get away but he was holding them. The twins were laughing along. Our laughs filling the sound of emptiness in the whole train. I swear, I could hear some people cursing at us being so loud. It felt like home, I realized that sometimes home is a place and sometimes its people around you. For me, it was the people around me then, and it would be forever. 

Before I knew we needed to get off. We walked off together. "I will miss you guys!" I said. "We will miss you too Ol!" Fred said. I hugged him and then George. The first time we hugged... I smiled at them. "I need to go now! bye!" I said and walked away. Waving goodbye. I got out of the train station and found the orphan worker. "Welcome back home!" She said as we sat in the car. "Thank you," I said. 

The summer went by slowly. The workers trying their best to make me wear short sleeves as I refused. I wanted to get out of that hell as quickly as I could. I turned 14, the workers hugging me and giving me money. I thanked them and took the money. They took me to the mall for me to buy something for myself. I walked around and chose some clothes. I chose some hoodies and a skirt I liked. We got back and ate cake. 

Soon enough it was time to get back. I couldn't wait to get a letter with what I need for this year school year and go and buy it. I was so excited. Maybe that's why the time went slower, but finally, the letter came and I found myself running around with the Twins in Diagon Alley. Laughing as we joked and pushed each other around. I got all my books and needed to go back to the orphan. The twins got sad as they needed to stay. I found out that another Weasley will come and did the most dramatic reaction ever, but at least it would be a girl. 

Some days after I was running through a wall. I jumped in excitement as I saw the twins. I run over to them and hugged them. They hugged me back and laughed. "You missed us huh?" Geroge teased. "Nope, not at all," I said jokingly and rolled my eyes. "Where is the mini Weasley that is acutely a girl?" I asked. "Oh, besides our mother... still..." Fred said. "Where is Ronickle?" I asked. They laughed. "In the train probably," George said. "Let us go!" I said and they nodded. We walked onto the train. 

We went into an empty compartment. We sat down. I rested as I was lying like the last time. This time I had my head in Georges lab and feet in Freds. We were laughing and making jokes. They told me about their prank plans. Those bloody idiots were brilliant sometimes. When it came to pranks, they were brilliant. 

I felt sleepy and fell asleep when they were talking about pranks. Something I would not do beside them. Who knows what they would do when I was asleep? I woke feeling normal. "Go and change," Fred said. I nodded and went to do that. I came back and sat across them. 

"So what book are you gonna read today?" George said and we all laughed. I did my most serious face I could at that moment. "Well, wanna hear about this book sir?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Of course miss," Fred said. "This is about a lesbian couple, and most of the book is them having sex...  would say it is an interesting book. Ten out of ten Sir" I said and we burst out laughing. "lesbian? Do you still like guys?" Fred said. "Yes, but don't get your hopes up sir," I said and we laughed. 

Soon enough we were at Hogwarts and eating. I watched the first year we sorted. "Ginny Weasley," McGonagall said. I and the twins cheered. Other students looking weirdly at us. I already knew what house she would be in. I wasn't surprised when the hat screamed "Gryffindor". I cheered with the Gryffindor table. My house sending me glares as I did so. 

After class, I walked over to the young Weasley and congratulated her and get to know her. She needed to go with the perfect although so I took the twins and we walked to Hogsmeade for a butterbeer. 

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