6-Practice Match Part2

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I huddle with the group after we warm up. We all gave advise. When it was my turn I knew what to say.

"I know we have never beat this team before, but I know we can. We will do grate. But if one of you hits that ball, and it hits Miki! I will kill you! Now let's play." They all look at me scared.

I was starting as a wing spiker. I was told Kageyama how to set for me, and when to set higher. I got ready since I was serving.

I got ready. I wink at my team then trough the ball. When it almost fell I jump. I slam the ball down to the other side with all my strength. They didn't receive it so we got first point.

I did that five more time's then did a normal one. When the ball got over they hit it back over. We got a chance ball. I signal to Kageyama to set to me.

He got it at the spot I told him. Not to high, or low. I run, and jump. I slam the ball down as hard as I could. They did try to receive it, but couldn't.

"Go mommy!" Miki yelled.

I smile at him. I was switched out with Noya so he could play. He went on.

After a little while Noya tried to get the ball. Tanaka accidentally tripped him, and Noya hurt his ankle. I rush over, and help him.

"Who is going to be are libro?" Tanaka asked.

I get out a second libro outfit for pur school. I was given one just incase this happened. I look at them, and they look back.

I start to take off my shirt, and everyone evan the coaches blush.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Suga yelled.

"Changing!" I say.

"Yeah but your a girl!" Noya said with a bloody nose.

"I have many scars. My body is a turn off! I think I'll be fine." I say.

They look at me as my shirt was completely off the other team was bloody nosed, and red. Same with mine.

They all look at the scars I have, and look sad. I put the libro shirt on, and change my pants. I go out to the libro position.

We start again.

*Time Skip*

After the game are team won for the first time. The first set was 14-25 us wining. Second set was 20-25. I went to get my water when I see a ball fly twords Miki. He didn't see it so I ran up to where the ball was going.

I block the ball from hitting him, and hugged him. I saw the guy who did it was Tanaka. He didn't mean too, but he saw my anger. He hit behind Daichi.

I just pick up Miki, and walk away. We all went to the bus. I smile at Miki. He looked at me with fear in his eye's. I knew if I sang he would fall asleep so I did one song.

I look at the guy's they where all asleep. The only one awake is Taneda because he is driving. I smile, and also fell asleep.

(A/N Sorry if you don't like me putting song's. There are not going to be vary many. This may evan be half of them. And please comment, and follow. I will follow back. And please check out my other stories also! Bye~!)

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