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(A/N This will be one week after the twins first birthday.)

I have been watching the twins for the longest time. It's been hard. They know just how to be little trouble maker's.

I love them, but they always have to be crazy. I was now 17, Miki was 4, and the twins 1. I was going to die from the lack of sleep.

Keishin, and Tenma are always working. It's hard to get any sleep. Miki is to young to watch the twins for to long. So I have to watch them most of the time.

I wish that Tenma, and Keishin could watch the kid's for more then two minutes. I wanted to have some me time. Like me, myself, and I.

I wanted to go out. Have fun. Live life. Not stay home all day without sleep. The twins then look at me.

"Mommy do you want to play with us?" Haru asked.

"I would love too!" I say walking with her.

I start to play as we had some fun.

*Time Skip*

I was in my room in the night. I was trying to sleep. Then the twins start to cry. I start to get up. I then felt a hand on my arm. I turn to face Tenma.

(A/N You, Keishin, and Tenma share a room.)

"I'll get it. You haven't sleep in a long time." He said.

"Thank you." I said laying back down. He left the room to go to the twins. I cuddle up to Keishin, he did the same.

I smile as he put his arms around me. After the crying stopped Tenma came back in. He rapped his arm's around my waist from the back.

I start to drift off. I then drift off into my own little dream land. Where I haven't been in the longest time.

Volleyball (Keishin Ukai×Tenna Udai×Reader)Where stories live. Discover now