9-First National Game

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I was woken up by pain. I run to the bathroom to through up. I see the guy's run in. I look up, but then down again. The puke just keep coming.

"Hey Tenma, and Keishin!" I say.

"Wait what did you call us?" They ask.

"Tenma, and Kieshin?"

"Why?" They ask.

"Well I am dating you guy's so it's only fair!" I say with a smile.

"It's game day I'll go get my stuff on then we can head out." I said.

"Are you sure you can play?" Tenma asked.

"I'll be fine. I will just need to bring more then the rest of the guy's. And hope my stomach doesn't get hit."

"Okay, but be careful." Kieshin says.

*On The Buss*

When we got on the buss I pull out a bag I had with me. I put a lot of food in it. I knew being pregnant means weird carvings, and hunger. I didn't have one this time though. I had two. So I had to feed three people in one surviving.

I grab some ice cream out of the bag. I also look for some chip's. I found F/C.
(A/N F/C Favorite Chip) I open the ice cream, and chip's. I dip the chip in the ice cream, and eat it. I see Tsukishima look at me.

"What? You want some?" I ask him.

"Why do you have snake's?" He asked.

"Well I better tell you now, or it may be worse." I say.

"Everyone I need to say something!" I yell.

I eat another chip in ice cream, then talk again.

"As Suga already knows he can do whatever. But I need you all to know I am pregnant with twins! So I'm going to being eating my chip's, and ice cream! If any of you dare to take it away! I will find you as you sleep, and kill you!" I say, "Other then that I am happy."

"WHAT?!" They all yell.

I just eat till we get there.

*At The Gym*

I was finished with my chip's, and ice cream, but I was still hungry. I had more stuff so I pulled out some french fries and some spaghetti. I put them together, and start to eat. I got a lot of stairs, but shrugged it off.

When we got to the court I gave Keishin my food, and went to warm up. I went to get my stretches. I went to my team, and see them a little nervous.

"Hey guy's music my help you loosen up on are warm up's." I say.

I go to my speaker that I always have. I connect it to my phone, and then play a song, and my team start to warm up easier. What they didn't know was that I was singing. Everyone turns to me, evan the other team to see me singing. But they still loosen up as we warm up.

*In The Game*

I was a middle blocker for the first set. We where play agents Fukurodani. I knew that I may get hit. I still had to try. Before we start my son ran up to me.

"Mommy! You can win this!" He said hugging me. I kiss his cheek then he ran to Tenma. I smile then get ready.

I see a guy with owl like hair serve. It wasn't that high, or low. When we received it I gave Kageyama a look. He look unsure.

"Kageyama trust me!" I yell to him.

I run full speed, and jump up half way. He then set's to me. I hit it with half of my strength. I made the point. When I hit the ground again Kageyama came up to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I say.

It was my turn to serve this time. I was going to do a float serve. When I did it landed on there side. I got us to a tie. It was 14-14 now.

I saw the owl boy going to spike. I knew I?needed to run up to block. I ran up as he didn't see me. I then jump 3/4 of my hight. I see he wasn't looking at me. I see his eye's widen as the ball hit me strait in the stomach.

I fell to the ground. I put mu hands around my stomach as I felt the pain. I see the guy's on are team start to run up to me.

"Are you okay?" They asked.

"M-my sto-stomach!" I yell at them.

I look down a little more as blood came out. I look at the other team as they start to panic. The run up to are side.

"Is she okay?!" The owl asked, "What is wrong?!"

"Well she shouldn't of been playing anyway!" Tsukishima said.

"It's okay Bokuto. You didn't know." Hinata said.

"Well what's wrong?" He ask.

I was getting up, and started to walk to the side as Kieshin, and Tanma help me.

"She's pregnant, and the ball hit her in the stomach." Suga said.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He said.

I look back at them as he said it.

"No it's not your fault. Plus I'll be fine. When I was pregnant with Miki I got hit in the stomach by a baseball bat. It hurt a lot, but he is still here." I say softly.

"That's different!" Tsukishima yelled, "You where pregnant with one! One! Now you have two in there!"

"I'm sorry. I better go." I say walking away.

'I hope the kid's are okay.'

(A/N Thought I would be nice. Sorry I may not post till Saturday since that is my next post day. Sorry that it's a little more sad!)

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