SODAPOP- My First Kiss (here it is losers)

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(Ya'll don't know how bad this hurt to write and if the boy who I kissed ever reads this my life is OVER But not really because we agreed I was an idiot. OK just some little tidbits of information; everything in this imagine is exactly what I said and did, exact same scenario, exact same dorky author you all know. Go ahead ROAST MY IDIOCY I ENCOURAGE IT! 

Here's the backstory: me and the guy had been planning on hanging out on Valentines day. Before I went all my friends were like "It's valentines day, you guys are gonna kiss." I didn't believe them until we were hanging out and he saw one of the texts between them...)

"So do you wanna?" Soda asked me, leaning towards me a little bit more. 

My stomach flipped and flopped. 

"No." I watched his face slightly drop. "Not that I don't want to kiss you it's just..."

"You've told me before, you're a kiss virgin," he smiled, amused by me blushing.

I laid back on the blanket, taking a minute to breathe in the fresh outside air. In front of us was a beautiful wide lake and the sunset met the house tops. I made him watch the sunset with me and was forcing him to listen to me rant about my favorite novel. 

"Hey don't stress it," Soda nudged me and laid down next to me, "I'm not gonna pressure you."

"Don't take it the wrong way please, I wanna kiss you," I realized how stupid I sounded and almost shut up. But everything was coming out at once. "But I see it in books all the time, first kisses are supposed to be special."

"I get it trust me, I'm not judging you and I'm not gonna pressure you I promise," he started twisting the loose threads in my jeans. 

We went on for a couple more hours, talking about various things and songs. Eventually we moved up on top of a hill to better overlook the lake. He was sitting across from me and I could tell what my friends were gonna say to me when I hung out with them tomorrow.


But I wasn't going to base my decision on them. 

"Okay let's kiss," I said finally letting about the breath it seemed I had been holding this whole time. "But I don't know what the HECK I'm doing so you're gonna have to make the first move."

His eyes widened and he nodded, "Are you sure? I don't wanna-"

"Yes I'm sure," I said, and I was. Not just because of my friends, but because the moment was right. It was special. The stars were shinning down on us.

"Okay," He said, leaning in to which I leaned back.

"Wait but what do I do?" I asked, "I've read about it in books but I don't know..."

Gosh, did I HAVE to bring up the books again? I'm a total loser.

"Just pucker your lips," he said, and I did.

This time when he leaned in I did too and our lips met. My heart was racing. It actually happened. We pulled away and I realized it wasn't at all like what I thought kissing would be like. It was dry? But also wet? What's that all about?

"Are you okay?" he asked, grabbing my hand. 

"I just had my first kiss!" I geeked. "Oh my gosh it was-" I paused thinking about what to say, feeling revolted at my words-"Ew. No! Not you! You're not ew, the kiss was nice, but I'm ew. God do we have to do it again?"

I sounded so rude, but I wasn't meaning it to sound like this. He just doesn't understand I'll literally explode into nothing but particles of glitter if he puts his lips on mine one more time.

"I kinda want to, You were good at it," he smiled, squeezing my hand to calm me down. maybe he understands I'm a weird bundle of emotions. "But I can tell you're uncomfortable so maybe we'll do it again another time?"

I nodded. Another time.

He walked me to my bike and before I started riding home we hugged bye. 

"Hey," he smiled, "It's proper you lost your kiss virginity on Valentines day!"

I laughed, my face still feeling hot from how badly I embarrassed myself. 

The whole ride home I couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

(Yeah we kinda broke up like two weeks later and I never got that other kiss... It's funny now because we're good friends and laugh about this. BUT MY HEAD HURTS WRITING THIS YA'LL DRUG MY PAST UP I BLAME YOU GUYS!!!! mwah!)

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