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Elijahs POV
I stood across from Davina, I could hear her heart beating and the thirst filled me.
"You're the one they call honorable" Davina said.
I was finally out of the box and ready to get back to my family but there was a few things i need to do here first as I told Rebecca when she came searching for me.
"Yes. That's what they call me, and yet i followed my brother here to New Orleans to engage war putting my daughter in harms way again." I said with a forced smile.
"So... I ask you, does that sound honorable to you?" I asked as i took a seat in a chair in the middle of the room.
"You don't look well." She said.
She was only a little older than my own daughter so I know how to handle the snakiness that spits from a teenagers mouth.
"Well, only this morning, I had a mystical dagger embedded in my chest. So I'd say I'm holding myself together quite well. Davina, I believe that you and I have the power to end a war between witches and vampires before it truly begins, I by keeping my brother in line, and having my daughter help using her magic, and you by behaving as your true self, not some tool for Marcel or the witches." I said.
"And why should I trust you?" She asked.
"Well, for one thing, in spite of a ravenous hunger, i have not tried to take your blood." I said.
"Why not? I'm the only one here." She said proudly.
"Even in my present condition I would not feed from a child." I said.
She walked over and grabbed a needle and walked over to me and pricked her finger. I smelled the blood and I wanted it so badly but She is only a child. She handed me the needle with her blood on it and just that drop restored a little bit of color to my face it sure made me feel a little better.

Maddie's POV
"Uncle Klaus stop pacing like a mad man" I said looking up at my uncle.
We sat in the back room of the bar waiting on Sophie.
He only looked at me and grunted the way uncles grunt i suppose and continued to pace and I rolled my eyes as Sophie walked in.
My uncle grabbed her and vamped her back to the house me right behind him. He pushed her in a chair as soon as they entered the house and I shut the door behind me.
"We had a deal. You protect my unborn child, I dismantle Marcels army, and whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Hayley to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches" Klaus said as Rebecca and I took a seat on the couch and as Klaus joined us.
"I had nothing to do with it, i swear. Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die" Sophie said.
"Then who were they?" Rebecca asked.
"They're a faction of extremists. Sabine stupidly told them about some vision she had about the baby." Sophie said.
"What kind of vision?" Klaus asked.
"She has them all the time. They're totally open to interpretation. I'm guessing she's wrong on this one." Sophie said.
"Well, how, may I ask, was this particular vision interpreted?" My uncle asked.
"Pretty much that your baby would bring death to all the witches." Sophie said.
"Ah, well, i grow fonder of this child by the second." Klaus said.
I hit his arm and he glanced at me.
"You are an exception of course little niece" my uncle said bring his attention back to Sophie.
"Sophie, look. I promised Elijah that I would protect the Mikealson miracle baby whilst he tries to win your witch davinas loyalty. Why don't you tell me and Maddie just how extreme this faction is?" Rebecca said.
"Elijah is talking to Davina?" Sophie asked.
"Yeah, as we speak, I imagine." Rebecca said.
"I'm guessing she'll have plenty to say about that crowd." Sophie said.
"Do tell" Klaus said as he sat back in his seat.
"I wasnt always an advocate for the witches. My sister was devoted like our parents, and our upbringing was very strict, which drove me nuts. The minute I turned 21, i left the quarter to travel... and play, but i wanted to be a chef. So i can back to Rousseau's. The elders wanted to do the harvest." Sophie said.
"What the bloody hell is the harvest?" Rebecca asked.
"It's a ritual our coven does every 3 centuries so that the bond to our ancestral magic is restored. We appease our ancestors. They keep our ancestral power flowing." Sophie said.
"And why haven't I heard of this?" My uncle asked.
"Because the harvest always seemed like a myth, a story passed down through generations like Noah's ark or the Buddha walking on water, the kind some people take literally and some people don't. They had the girls of our community preparing for months. 4 would be chosen for the harvest. They said that it was an honor, that they were special. I thought it was a myth." Sophie said.
"And what changed you mind?" I asked as Klaus phone rang.
He rolled his eyes and answered it.
"Marcel, bit early in the day for you, isn't it?" My uncle asked.
"I know. I make this look easy, but i still have an empire to run." I heard Marcel said.
"Rather you than me. All that responsibility seems like such a bore." Klaus said.
"Well this might spice things up. I just heard about a bunch of dead witches out in the bayou, the kind of damage a werewolf might do, only there was no full moon. I have an informant out there i need to meet, and i would love for you to go with me." Marcel said.
"Dead witches in the bayou. Sounds like less of a problem and more like a cause for celebration." Klaus said with a smile.
"Well, something killed them and may still be out there, and with your blood the only cure for a werewolf bite, i would love for you to accompany me." Marcel said.
"Well, why not? I havent been to the bayou in ages. I'm on my way." Klaus said as he hung up the phone.
"You can't go out there now. I need to gather the witches and consecrate them. If i don't get to them before sundown, we lose the link to their magic." Sophie said as Hayley walked into the room.
"Those witches tried to kill Hayley. I prefer for Marcels informant not to find anything that would lead him back to us, to her, or to, you know, that." Klaus said pointing to Hayleys stomach.
"You are all class" Hayley said as she drank her coffee.
"Stay put and save the rest of your story till i return." Klaus said as he left the house.

Elijahs POV
"Do you play?" I asked as I walked over to her with the violin in my hand as she drew on the chalkboard.
"That's... not mine." Davina said as i sat down to take a look at it, maybe even trying to fix it.
Then we heard footsteps and I hide.
"Good news, little D." Marcel said as he opened the door to the attic.
"I'm moving you out of this pile of dust." Marcel continued as he walked over to Davina.
"Are you serious? When?" Davina asked.
"Tonight. I just need to lock in the arrangements. How's our original?" Marcel asked as he walked over to the coffin.
"Don't disturb the body. I have a spell in progress." Davina said stopping him from opening the coffin.
"Bet you do. Pack up, ok? Only what you want to take. I'll buy you anything else you need." Marcel said as he left.
"Okay" Davina said as she went back to drawing.
As soon as the door shut i walked out of my hiding spot.
"You didn't reveal that i was awake." I said.
"We're not done talking yet." Davina said as she sat down.
"You and Marcel seem very close." I said.
"Marcel is my family" Davina said as i picked the violin up again.
"And yet Marcel is someone who delights in harming the witches, those people, i would think, you would consider family. This doesn't trouble you?" I asked.
"No. They deserve it." She said as she turned and looked at me.
"Why would you say that?" I asked.
"Because they are liars, all of them." Davina said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"They made me and my friends do this harvest ritual. They said our participation would bring our family strength, health... that we'd forever be celebrated as the saviors of the community, but all they really wanted was more power. So i left before they could get it, and now they're running out of time because after the harvest comes the reaping, and if they don't complete the harvest, there won't be a reaping. Soon all the witches in the quarter will start to lose their power. Eventually, they'll cease to be witches altogether." She said.
"So what does it take to complete this ritual?" I asked.
"I have to die." She said

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