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Time truly flies when you are having fun. It has been a little over a year since the attack on National City and the city is finally starting to return to normalcy. After Lena made the decision to dismantle L Corp she also decided to demolish the L Corp building. It would cost a lot of money to fix the damage to the building Lex caused and it wasn't worth it. So Lena had the building torn to the ground and had a park built in its place. She wanted the remembrance of the building to be something good.

            Taking apart L Corp piece by piece took a lot longer than Lena had original anticipated. She went line by line of every business operating under L Corp and closed a majority of them. Lena made national headlines when word broke she was shuttering L Corp and other businesses. She received a lot of bad press because of how many people would be out of jobs all around the country and the world. But that didn't stop her. It took her months to do and when she was finally Lena looked free. Finally free of holding up the family mantle she didn't want.

            It took a lot longer than I thought it would but Sam finally came around. One night they hashed it out and Sam saw where Lena was coming from when it came to closing L Corp. Sam helped Lena a bit with closing different branches and even traveled for Lena to some offices to collect anything of importance.

            Once Lena was free we spent two months aboard in Europe. We traveled to all the different countries and spent a lot of time in Ireland, trying to track down any little piece of Lena's birth mother we could find. We weren't able to find much but we were able to find her grave. After spending two weeks in Ireland and hitting a lot of dead ends finding her mother's grave made Lena break down. It finally gave her some closer. We spent another week in Ireland after that staying with Mira's family.

            Mira stayed with us in the townhouse for a few months before she told Lena and I that she was going to return to Ireland. A majority of her family was here and she wanted to be close to them. It was an emotional couple of weeks as Lena helped Mira make the arrangements to move. As her departure came closer Mira told me that she was so happy that Lena found me. She knew she could leave and be with her family because Lena finally found her family in me. That night I told Mira that I think Lena is my soulmate and that I wanted to marry her. Mira gave me her permission and I felt relieved.

            After we stopped in almost all of the European countries we returned to National City. The DEO was able to get by without me because after the attack all crime took a steep decline. Something about what happened brought the city together and I was happy to be able to spend time truly getting to know Lena. I was hoping that one day I would be able to hang up my cape and retire as Supergirl and now that I've seen that National City could survive without Supergirl for a few months then this can become a permanent thing.

            When we returned from our time away I checked in with Cat about how CatCo was recovering. The CatCo building was able to be saved from having to be torn down. The top ten floors were removed though and a new roof was put in place. CatCo was moved a few floors down and was easily fit into their new space. Lena actually signed over the company to Cat when she was going through L Corps holdings.

            Once the dust settled after the attack and we all had room to breathe I took the flash drive I had with all of my work from CatCo and did a deep dive. I've kept tabs on all things Lex Luthor over and years and with the new evidence we found after more digging on Lex's computers I wrote a tell all about the attack. CatCo published it and a few months later I got a call saying I won a Pulitzer Prize for my article. At first I didn't think it was real but after I got a few more phone calls about it I freaked out. Lena was so proud that at Pulitzer party she announced me and handed me the award.

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