BBB Questions

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1. How did Adudu got Ochobot? (BBB and BBBTM2)

2. Why didn't Kaizo showed up most likely at the Movie 2? (BBBTM2)

3. Why didn't Amato help his son? (BBBTM2)

4. Is Rettak'ka still alive? (BBBTM2)

5. Where is the Crystal Element now after Boboiboy retrieve all his elements using Ochobot? (BBBTM2)

6. What happened to Hang Kasa/Tok Kasa? After what happened to Boboiboy and others? (BBBTM2)

7. Who is Boboiboy's Mother? (All shows)

8. Where is Kaizo and Fang's parents? When Borara attacked Planet Gogubugi? (BBBTM)

9. What happened to Adudu and Probe after Adudu got hitted in the head? in the movie 2? (BBBTM2)

10. After Rettak'ka destroyed TAPOPS again, did all the power spheres survive? Did Admiral Tarung survived? (BBBTM2)

11. Who and Where did Rettak'ka taken the other elements? (BBBTM2) except for Sinarbot

12. Who is Ying and Yaya's Father? (All shows)

13. Who is Gopal's Mother? (All shows)

14. Is Tok Aba? Amato's Father? (All shows)

15. Is Mechabot a power sphere? (BBBTM2 and Mechamato)

16. Does Kaizo knew Rettak'ka before? (BBBTM2)

17. How did Kokoci knew Hang Kasa? (BBBTM2)

18. Where is Sinarbot and Crystalbot now? (BBG AND BBBTM2)

19. How does Amato knew Maskmana? (BBBTM2)

20. Is Amato Tempur-A? (BBBTM2)

21. Is the floating island once was Hang Kasa's laboratory? (BBBTM) since there are crystal there lol

22. If Klamkabot knew Ochobot? Is there a possibility he knew Hang Kasa as well? (BBBTM AND BBBTM2)

Questions that filled my head.

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