Chapter Two: Distance

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Cheryls POV

He consumes my every thought and I can't help it. I'd be sitting in the auditions and little things would remind me of him. His favourite colour, his favourite food and then his random messages and I couldn't help it, Id smile like a freak. I'm like a love sick puppy.
And let's face it, I'm not the sort of person to be in touch with my feelings, especially about other people but something about now feels so much more different. I'm more confident, happy, content.
I can look at myself in the mirror now and see a genuine smile and I know that's down to him.
Yes we only became close a couple of months ago after years of shying away from eachother, and our relationship is still on 'honeymoon grounds' as some people may call it but I just can't help thinking about our future, about all the things that we could do together, accomplish together.

-You look so beautiful right now-

He hadn't seen me for two days but both days without fail he would let me wake up to the same message, and every morning without fail I woke up with a beaming great grin on my face.

Authors POV

"How's your Jay doing today Cheryl? I heard he wasn't very well" he hadn't been lately and she was starting to worry, what with him being over in France currently on business she wasn't able to look after him like she wanted too, like he deserved.
"He said his temperatures gone down since yesterday but you know what he's like with lying to stop me from panicking" Mel laughs taking her place next to Cheryl knowing exactly what Cheryl was on about
"My husband does the exact same thing. Causes tons of arguments when I catch him out, would of been easier telling me in the first place"
"That's what I'm like. I absolutely hate not knowing whether he's saying he's better then he is, especially being so far away"
"How are you finding that babe. Need I ask with you glancing at your phone every five minutes"
"Hard" and she was. Every second of every day Cheryls thought had been on him. They had text constantly but that wasn't enough for her. She wanted to feel him, be with him but most of all she wanted him to hold her. She wasn't a fan of a cold, empty bed, not lately. She had gotten used to his autumn spelling aftershave and the way he'd kick the duvet off his feet half way through the night over to her side. She missed the little things like when he would rub the bottom of her back if he felt her move or get an extra blanket if he felt like she was getting too cold.
She just couldn't help it.
"I'd hate being away from my husband" and it's true Mel would. She couldn't even imagine spending days away from her husband, she never had too. Where she went her husband went and the idea of being in Cheryl shoes puts her off completely but it must be love? She knows anyone who would go through the pain of not being able to see someone they love everyday but still staying with them is love, right?
But that was the one thought that was always in the back of Cheryls mind. Was this the right thing or was she just setting herself up for more heartbreak? She loved JB more then she could imagine, more then she did her previous husband in fact but is the distance going to ruin everything precious that they have?

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