Chapter Fourteen: Lack Of Communication.

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Authors POV

Cheryl wakes up the next morning feeling drained beyond belief. She had spent the night crying, the heartache she was feeling almost too overbearing. If she was honest she didnt want to wake up, she'd much prefered to stay in her dreams where everything was perfect, everything was happy and just how it should be.

She felt empty. The arms that usually made her feel over heated, suffocated were no longer there. The person she longed to hold her and tell her everything was alright wasnt there. It was like she had been run over several times repeatedly with no medical aid, she felt paralized with emotion, unknown on how to handle it.

- Good Morning baby - 

She reads the text and automatically feels sick. She was his baby, just like he was hers but hes breaking her, bit by bit. Each time she thought about him her heart broke more. She had to address it.

- I know J. -

After sending the message She turns her phone off, not wanting to know the reply. Her heart was breaking and she didnt know what to do, she didnt know how to cope with it this time round. It was different, unfamiliar.

"Morning sleepyhead" Simon chuckles as Cheryl walks from the guest bedroom into the front room. She wasnt in the mood to laugh, to even smile so just nods, walking towards the kitchen for some water "Want something to eat" 

"Im not hungry" The truth was she probably was but she couldnt feel it. The feeling of heartache was too strong for her to feel any other emotion. 

"You need to eat, we have to leave for auditions later" She didnt want to go, she couldnt sit there all happy faced while watching people audition, she knew it was her job and she needed too but right now she didnt have the strength, she didnt have the control of her emotions that she needed.

"I cant do it Simon" Her words are nothing more then a whisper, she doesnt know how he will react. She doesnt want to tell him how she cried herself to sleep or how she feels completely empty inside. She doesnt want to tell him, she doesnt want anyone else to see her crumbling over a man they hardly even knew. She didnt want them to think anything differently of him, he was amazing. He only ever had been to her.

This made her question.

Was she wrong?

She had been so caught up in her past, so caught up on those thoughts. She had let Ashley get the better of her and she hadnt spoken to him in years, the thoughts got under her skin and completely clouded any other judgement. What if the ring and flowers werent for someone else. It was her birthday soon after all. The previous feeling of emptiness and pain had suddenly been replaced with excitement, elation. She needed to speak to him. She needed to find out what was what before her own thoughts drove her insane. Had she really thought that badly of a man she knew adored her? Or had she got the right end of the stick from the start. She was scared to find out the answer, utterly frightened but the thought that she could even for a moment be wrong made all her happiness come back. The thought that he could potentially be planning something made everything dissapear. She needed to see him, to speak to him. She needed to go back home.

"I need to go back home Simon" The look of shock on her face and the way she rushes back to her room leaves Simon confused. Only seconds ago she was standing in front of him, her eyes red from crying, the pain visable in her eyes.


"No theyre wrong Hilary. Ashley would never do something like that again. He loves me" Cheryl laughs down the phone. These people were trying to ruin her and she knew that. Her Ashley promised her that was a blip in their relationship. He treated her like a queen now, like she was all that he ever cared about. He would never do that again. "I bet theyre just some girls wanting abit of attention. Itll pass"

Cheryl and JB: Only HumanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt