Chapter Seventeen: Unknown problems?

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Authors POV

They were in the car to the destination, this was it. Everything JB had planned for was finally happening, he was feeling every emotion possible, struggling with himself to hide them. He wanted to throw up at the thought of how wrong everything could go. He wanted to scream at the thought of having her as his wife. He wanted to cry because he felt so overly emotional, so in love. He couldnt stop himself from imagining what it would be like after, after she said yes. How it would feel having a fiance, someone he knew a few days after would be his. See this is something else she didnt know. The wedding.

"I love road trips, theyre so exciting" He cant look away from her, the glint in her eye, her smile. Everything about her was perfect "J focus on the road" Cheryl would usually feel embarrassed if someone stared at her for a long length of time but with JB she found it sweet. The way he would stare at her with concentration like he was trying to get her indented into her memory just in case they somehow had to part. It made her feel special, like she actually meant something to someone.

"I thought i would take us out here so i could show you the hiking point near it. Its so peaceful and maybe we could go for a run up there sometime before we go home" Now Cheryl was never one for exercise. She would avoid it as much as she could but with JB it was different. He wouldn't take the mick if she was too slow or if she needed to stop, he would pick her up or give her a piggy back the rest of the way. He really did love her.

"I'd like that" Cheryl glances out the window catching sight of some animals straight away "OH MY GOD J WE HAVE TO GO THERE LOOK AT THEM. OH MY GOD J STOP STOP STOP" her sudden outburst made JB nearly shoot through the roof of the car, thinking something had happened and she had been hurt but instead of being annoyed he couldnt help but smile and stop the car just so she could have a look. "can we go and see them please"

"Cheryl we really need to get to the cabin" He didnt think of this, he was running against time and right now it was against him. He needed to get there now to have enough time to do everything else.

"Please baby please please i promise i wont complain the entire weekend just if we can see these for a few minutes please" Those eyes were the death of him, he always gave in. He didnt even bother to fight. What was the point, she always won.

"Fine ten minutes"

"Do you think they bite" He opened her door from the outside chuckling at her as he did so

"Cheryl they're farm animals they dont bite"

"You wanna bet. One time i was in the studio and they had ponies and one of them started eating my clothes. Im not even joking yas, he started munching on me. I thought i was gunna die" He couldnt breathe, how was someone so funny without even trying to be? "What are yas laughing at"

"The pony wouldnt have eaten you"

"He did, can never wear that jacket again it gives me nightmares. He left his mark on me forever" The serious expression on Cheryls face only made JB laugh harder. The worries that filled his head only moments ago already forgotten about.

"They wont bite you come on i'll protect you" He helped her out the car, walking over towards the animals.

"You better because i cant risk losing a limb you know and im pretty sure you dont want me losing my hands, theyre very skilled"


"You love it" She walks off towards some chickens JB however stuck standing still, he couldnt believe how dirty she could be sometimes. For someone who everyone thought was completely innocent she really did have them fooled, she was anything but.

The cabin was more then she expected, way more. It was magical and she couldnt believe it. She couldnt believe that he would go through all this effort for her, that he would make her feel this special inside. It was like every happy ever after that she thought about, everything was finally becoming real for her and she couldnt believe it. She couldnt believe it was all for her. She walks ahead, momentarily forgetting about JB. She walked in and was in awe of the place. It was perfect, the natural wooden look and modern furniture contrasting perfectly together. It was her idea of heaven, her dream home. It was flawless. The way the handle of the staircase had so much detail into it or the way the natural light flooded into every inch of the place. She couldnt string enough words together to explain just how amazing she found the place, just how amazing everything was in this moment.

"I couldnt be more in love with you right now even if i tried" She whispers as she feels JB arrive beside her. Little did she know what was coming up, little did she know the the next day he would do the most amazing thing she could think of. It had never crossed her mind, probably never would have if he didnt think of it. In a sense for her it felt like they were already a married couple, they acted like it thats for sure. Burping, farting, picking their noses, all things you wouldnt really do in a new relationship, all things you would try to hide from someone you fell for but for them they didnt care, they didnt mind if the other one found something they did disgusting because at the end of the day they were both completely and utterly in love with eachother.

Cheryl and JB: Only HumanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon