Chapter Twelve: Is This The End?

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I apologise for no updates these past days, wattpad on my phone hasnt been letting me post at all and ive only just got my laptop back to be able to post via that. This update (im hoping) will be quite long as im not entirely sure when ill be able to update next.

[Also to avoid any confusion in this update; Cheryl calls JB 'J' for short]

Cheryls POV

Its funny how someone can rule your mind. Its a strange thing to say but when you feel this strongly towards someone you just cant help but think about them twenty four seven. Its like me and J. Here i am, in the middle of an audition. Im meant to be focusing on the act, giving them good feedback and helping them grow but i cant, I cant get him out of my mind. Every time an audition comes through i cant help but think of all the things about them that resembles to him.

This man in front of me now, he has a beard, similar to JBs but longer. Ive never been a fan of beards, i suppose you could say i hated them but with J its different. Its hot, very hot. The events of what happened the night before fly through my head and i cant help but blush, the feeling of his beard when he kissed down my body, the feeling of his beard there. 

"Focus" i hear Simon whisper to me. If only he knew how impossible that oh so simple task for him is. If only he knew the thoughts that were running through my head right now.

"Im focusing" I whisper back, slightly louder then intended.

The way his hands moved their way down my body, the way he pulled my hair when he was nearing his high. The sweet words he whispered to me. I couldnt cope with the thoughts any longer. I needed to go home, to see if he was there but i knew i couldnt leave now, not after leaving early the other day. Simon was angry, furious that i had decided on my own free will to just leave and with no real reason behind it either. He says hes on the last straw with me and usually id be worried. Especially after the american xfactor sacking but this time i dont even let those thoughts register through my head, im so happy.

- Miss you, been thinking about how amazing last night was. The thoughts are driving me insane xx - 

I send the message knowing id regret it later, when he replies with something 10X naughtier. That was his thing, he always had to beat me and it gave me a thrill, kept me on my toes. I loved it, it meant nothing was routine, every day was different and thats what made out relationship work.

- Miss you more princess. Last night was mindblowing. The thoughts alone are putting my mood UP ;) xx -

- Just your mood? ;) xx -

"Cheryl" Simon more or less barks from the other end of the room "Are you planning to move from that seat or just sit there like a lost puppy"

"You know Simon if you treated some people with respect they might actually like you"

"You know Cheryl if you stopped having phone sex by text with your boyfriend and stuck to your job you might have something useful to critic them on" He whispers as i walk past him and i cant stop the blushing. He must have read my messages from over my shoulder.

I mean dont get me wrong im not the sort of person that would deny it or would feel ashamed because im not. I just dont like my sex life to be known, i dont like it to be the talk of the town so to speak.

"Arsehole" I shout before turning the corner to pop to the ladies.

Auditions had finally finished and i hadnt checked my phone all day. After the last encounter with the texts and Simon seeing i decided it was for the best. As i got in the car to make my way home i realise there was no reply from the last message i sent J. Hes the sort of person to reply straight away so why hasnt he?

My mind races as the car makes his way to the house, what if hes been hurt and i havent been told? What if hes been in some sort of accident? The car stops outside my house and i thank Lee for the drive home. 

"J BABE IM HOME" I run from every room trying to find out if he was hiding, sleeping or if he was listening to music but nothing. No reply, no sight of him. Nothing. I rumage through the washing hoping to find his trousers from yesterday, maybe there was paper or something with an idea of where he is, i needed to find him to see if he was okay. I find a bunch of reciepts and pull them out, the first one being for a jewellers.

My heart sinks.

It was for a ring. That he purchased two days ago, when he told me he was at the restaurant. 

I was never given anything and he said work at the restaurant went just fine which only means one thing.

He must be cheating on me.

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