Chapter Eighteen: Its about time...

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Authors POV

Cheryl and JB had been in bed for some time. Both deciding that if they were going to 'explore' the site tomorrow then they had to get an early night. JB however having other plans. When Cheryl was finally asleep he was going to sneak over to the next door cabin where everything he needed had been delievered and set it all up. Set it up so tomorrow morning it'll all be perfect. Everything will be perfect, just for her.

It took some time for her to fall asleep, the events of earlier making her mind race ten to the dozen but finally she did and finally JB felt it was safe enough to leave without any suspicion. He slowly opened the door and left it ajar making sure it would be easier to get back in before making his way to the cabin. He was in awe of the place as soon as the door was opened. The redness of the roses standing out against the natural moonlight that flooded through the window. They were more beautiful then he ever imagined. They were perfect, just like her. As he walked round the room he eyes caught the velvet cake. Neatly presented on the table. The light pink and dark pink working perfectly with the white ribbons and red roses dotted around the whole cake. He instantly got hold of the bags of rose petals. The silkness of the petals feeling like heaven in his hands, he scattered the first bag around the room, making sure they made the perfect loveheart around the centrepiece before using the second bag and making a trail to the bedroom. He didnt expect her to fall into bed with him straight away, he didnt want that. He wanted them to have the perfect day and then for him to take her into the bedroom at night and make endless love to her under the moonlight. He just wanted everything to be perfect and standing at the front door of the cabin and looking over at his work he knew that everything was going to run smoothly, everything was going to be flawless.

The name day came quicker then JB expected and half the morning he was in a place of his own. Taking twice as long to do something and twice as long to answer Cheryl. She could tell something was on his mind but after asking once and not getting a suitable reply she decided not to push it, she didnt want to put a downer on the day. She wanted this holiday to be perfect. Just him and her, as perfect as her life is and he tried so hard to keep the mood up, so hard to try and get his mind off the proposal, trying so hard to be able to act happy but he was so nervous. The nerves were overtaking him, he couldnt get it out of his mind and he had to do it now, he had to do it before the day goes on any further. He should've waited until sunset, the planned time to tell her but he knew he couldnt. His nerves are already pushing the limits with Cheryl and he knew if he didnt do it now today would end up in the argument and then it would never happen.

"Cheryl babe can we go next door for a bit" His voice came out quite, the nerves suddenly becoming too much to handle. His hands were shaking, parms sweating. This was the moment he had been planning for so long and now his nerves were ruining it. His nerves were making it a less happy memory for him.

"Babe we cant just walk into someones cabin"

"Its not, its ours. I have a surprise" Her face lights up and he cant help but smile. The way she pulls him to the door making everything feel even more real

"Babe theres an envelope on the door"

"Read it" She opened the envelope, her eyes widened 


I wish you knew how much you mean to me. How much youre on my mind everyday. Im so in love with you, in love with everything about you and i know that love will never go away, its endless. Everytime im with you i feel complete. I have my girl, my world. You. I wish i was able to explain just how much you mean to me but i cant, its impossible but let me just tell you that as soon as you stepped foot in my life. As soon as you became mine my life changed, for the better. You were everything i needed to set my life on the right track. I finally had someone that made everything worth living. I never knew i could feel like this for anyone. I never knew these feelings even existed. 

I love you Cheryl. With my heart, my soul and every bone in my body. This love will never leave me and hopefully neither will you.

Your J x

"Wow" Tears fall down Cheryls face and JB automatically panics

"Baby im sorry i didnt mean to make you cry, it was meant to make you smile. Im so sorry"

"No no no its beautiful. Its perfect. I love you so much Jean-Bernard" He grabbed her hand, opening the door to the cabin. Her tears falling down her face even harder

"and i love you too my Cheryl"

"J" She couldnt believe her eyes. He had done all this for her. The candles, the roses, the cake. It suddenly dawns on her, those reciepts were for her. How could she have been so stupid. How could she have blamed him for cheating when this whole time it was all for her "Im so sorry" She whispers "Im sorry i was so cruel and heartless to you when all of it was for me, everything. You've done all this for me and i accused you of such a horrid thing. A thing i know you would never of done but i accused you anyway and thats not fair. Forgive me"

"I forgive you more then you could imagine. I understand why you thought that but before you say anything else i need to do something. I need to make you realise how serious i am about us, about our forever" He looks straight into her eyes before reaching in his pocket and bending down on one knee.....

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