Chapter Seven: Secrets?

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Can I just say, thank you for all the comments and for reading my writing and if anyone wants to give an suggestions then feel free to personal message me ideas on here or just comment. I take both criticism and suggestions on board.
And also before you start reading I would like to point out theres a price included in this update which could seem abit over the top but I've used a five star site which has a celebrity customer history to get the final price.

Authors POV

"It's your birthday soon baby, what do you want to do" It was later in the day and after running around for at least an hour, things turned passionate and Cheryl and JB ended up right back where they started, in bed.
"Just to spend it with you"
"Are you working" Cheryl snuggled into him more, she loved the warmth he gave her, the secure and safe feeling she felt.
"I have to catch a plane to get to Glasgow for the auditions on the night but that's it"


I was hoping to have her to myself that day. I had something planned, it would of made her birthday perfect. That can't happen now.
"Fuck sake"
"Don't worry we'll still be together the whole day, you can come on the plane" I nodded. I didn't want her to know I was on about something else, something way more important.
"Are you working around your birthday"
"Got the weekend before off baby" she winks and I know what she has in mind, i however had something so much better up my sleeve I just needed to sort it out.

"Right gorgeous I need to go out and sort some stuff out for the restaurant change, can you do without me for an hour"
"No baby stay" she grabs hold of me, pinning me down. I wanted to move, I needed to move to get everything sorted but her eyes, there was something about them. They drew me in and once I was in I couldn't escape.
You can tell everything by her eyes, whether she's happy, sad, excited, anything. And I love that. I love how even though she's been through so much she's still as open as ever, especially with me. I love how she feels she can tell me everything, how she can find comfort in me.
"I'll be an hour tops" she slides off me, hiding under the duvet
"Wake me up with hot chocolate when you come in"
"Of course princess" she shows her lips from under the duvet, puckering them up
"I love you"
"I love you baby"

After driving around for what felt like forever I finally found the place I was looking for.
"Hi I was wondering if I could speak to someone about a very large order or red roses"
"Of course Sir, and how large would we be speaking"
"31 bunches of a French dozen" I felt like an idiot asking for a French dozen but I felt like it was my personal touch, something she would enjoy. Well I hope she would enjoy.
"And would that be for another half if you don't mind me asking sir"
"It would indeed"
"Well might i point out the full standard ruby wedding roses, which obviously can be used for other special occasions aswell"
"And how much would that be"
"Well per cluster the maximum is 7 which is £27.95 but if you order the amount of clusters needed for 10 each then we can definitely sort that out for you sir"
"How many clusters would I need"
"45 sir"
"I'll take it"
"That would be £9,341.60 sir"
I put my card in mentally shaking my head at myself. If she knew I was paying this she would kill me. I wouldn't make it to her birthday.
"Right that's all done sir, we will be in touch early the delivery day to make sure you're in"
"Thank you so much you've been a great help, have a great day"
"Thank you sir you too, bye"

Now I need a cake. But what cake. That's the one thing about Cheryl you can never pin point. She changes her likes and dislikes so often that I didn't know when I was coming and going. I needed some help and there was only one person I was going to find the right details from.
I turn the car around heading back home but making an early turn and buzzing Kimberleys gate. I could tell her the full plan but I probably won't. She can't keep a secret, not from Cheryl that's for sure.
"Oh JB"
"Hi Justin I was wondering if kimberley was in and if I could have a quick word"
"Oh hi JB" I turn around to the sound of Kimberleys voice
"Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could ask abit of advice" she sits on the stool at the kitchen island, staring at me with a confused look
"Sure go ahead"
"Well I was hoping to do a romantic night for Cheryl the weekend before her birthday and I have everything else sorted but I'm not sure on the cake"
"Strawberry velvet" she says straight away, no hesitation, nothing.
"I was thinking that but she always changes"
"She always goes back to Strawberry velvet, safe option" she laughs getting up and tapping my shoulder before reaching over into the cupboard
"Okay thank you so much. I can't stay I have to get back to Cheryl. I only told her I'd be an hour and the hours nearly up. Thank you for your help. Sorry if i intruded"
"Oh not at all babe, have a good day. Tell Cheryl I'll call her"
Great. How am I meant to explain that one.
I say my goodbyes to Justin before quickly getting in the car and reversing out the drive, driving down the street and going back to my love.

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