Chapter Fifteen: The right path, so close but so far.

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I would of updated sooner but ive re-wrote this around 3 times because it somehow seems-i dont know how to word it-not put right? Anyway. Thank you for reading and for those who like and comment, thank you. Its very appreciated.

Authors POV

JB had waited at home the rest of the day for Cheryl. Not wanting to make it any harder for her to believe him. He had everything planned now, all he needed was for everything to run smoothly. For her to wait long enough to be able to let him show her that there was nothing she needed to worry about. After today there was only 3 days until the auditions in Newcastle, which means 4 days until THAT day. The day he would hopefully ask her to be Mrs Fernandez-Versini. To say he was petrified would be an understatement. He was constantly thinking about the different possible outcomes. She could say no, yes or even 'not yet' and he wasnt sure as of yet how he would cope if the answer that leaves her lips isnt a yes.

Some people would think that maybe it was too soon for them to get married but in fact no one knew the real truth. They had both known eachother years and all those years he had loved her. The connection he felt when he was around her was undescribable but he let her be happy with who she wanted for all those years. In all honesty he had Janine to thank for bringing them both together. She had suggested that he stayed round hers this christmas which resulted in him seeing her once again. He didnt want to make her feel pressured but he couldnt hold his feelings in anymore. He knew she wasnt looking for a relationship but he just had to let the feelings out.


"Hi Cheryl" His nerves were all over the place. He was finally going to tell her what he felt after all those years or hiding it. He had no idea how she was going to react or whether she was going to laugh in his face but as Janine had told him the previous night ' you just need to go for it' so he was.

"Ah hi JB. Arent they so cute" She was looking out on the beach, Janine, her husband and her kids runnning around after thinking it was best to leave JB and Cheryl alone and Janine knew exactly what was going on. Cheryl however, absolutely oblivious.

"They're adorable" He took several deep breathes before making up his mind that it was time "Listen Cheryl can we talk" He watches as her eyes cloud up in confusion. Her forehead crinkling up as she frowns, her mind running wild.

"Sure babe what is it"

"I-I really like you" He tries to make himself seem unfazed by what he was saying, manly even but his stuttering and slight blush made rid of that idea. "I know you dont like me but ive always found you beautiful and so kindhearted. Ive had these feelings for years and never acted on them and i just thought the opportunity was here why shouldnt i. I think about you quite alot and not in a weird way-well actually i dont know maybe a weird way-its just i dont know what to do anymore"

A grin plastered itself on Cheryls face. He was so real, so shy but so sweet. He was in fact wrong when he said she didnt like him, she always had a soft spot for him even back then but she was married. She was 'happily' married. So she thought. Maybe this is what she needed, someone knew?

"How about we go for dinner tomorrow night" JBs eyes lit up automatically. He never expected that. After all he was just an average French man. No looks on his side, no fancy cars or fancy houses. Just him and his restaurants.

"I'd love that" She moved in for a hug, JB not quite believing his luck. But he felt something amazing from then on but little did he know it would evolve this far. Little did he know that he would become absolutely bessoted with her and never in a million years would he have thought that he would be asking her to marry her because after all, its just dinner. Right?

Wrong. Then again they both havent been very spot on with their thoughts lately, they never were very smart. They stuck to what they were good at and right now none of them were good at this obstacle. None of them knew how they were meant to get back into the happy go luck couple they always had been. This problem had hit them hard and they both felt bad. Cheryl more so as she had completely believed her own lie in which he was cheating, with no solid evidence to back it up only a few reciepts that thinking about it now could be explained in any possible way. He however felt guilty that he had pushed her to such thoughts. He knew she still had insecurities, that was obvious. No one goes through what shes been through without some sort of fear. She puts herself across as some strong, able to fight anything, independent woman when in fact she was just like everyone else. She'd wake up some days not particularly wanting to get up, wanting to stay hidden in bed, away from the dangers and problems that the day would cause. That was her safety haven so as soon as she got home from auditions today thats where she went, bed. There were no kisses exchanged, no hugs and no snuggles and that felt weird for her. It was like they were metres apart in bed and heart. They both wanted to be near eachother but none of them knew how to go about it. None of them knew if them moving towards the other would cause in disaster or not.

"Its quite cold in here" She hoped he would get the hint, that he would move closer.

"I'll go put the heating on" She cant help but let out a chuckle. The heating. He was so practical about everything "Fuck"

"What is it" He walks back into the bedroom, several blankets in his arms

"The boilers gone again"

"Fuck sake" It really was freezing and with them both not getting eachother hints it looks like its going to be a long, cold night.

"I brought you some extra blankets and i thought you could double the duvet over and have my half. Im okay with the cold, i just dont want you getting ill" Her heart melts. How could she of thought someone like him would ever do the dirty on her. He was so thoughtful and kind to her. Everything revolved around her and the thought of him cheating on her just seemed like some stupid thought in her head now. She believed him. Everything he told her this morning. She believed him one hundred percent.

"Maybe we could just cuddle and use all the blankets together" 

"Okay" He didnt want to push it. After all he didnt know what she was thinking, he was oblivious to the positive thoughts running through her head. He was worried about her going before she was able to find out the truth, her running away because she thought he was doing something he would never dare do to her. She was too precious.

They moved closer, his hands instantly going to the bed the other side of her. He wanted so bad to run his hands up her body. To feel what he had been missing for days. He loved the feel of silk on her skin, it was like gold to him.

"You can touch me. I believe you without you having to justify the reciepts. I put my faith in you completely just please i miss you" Never had he felt such relief, just hearing those words come out her mouth lifted a whole weight off his shoulders. She believed him and most of all missed him. He had missed her. The way they used to never be able to keep their hands of eachother had dissapeared these past couple of days. They would usually lay in bed for a few hours every morning, moaning about some random couple on Jeremy Kyle or betting on whether they thought the baby was in fact the man in questions baby or not. She missed the surprise hot chocolates he would make her and he missed the sweet random texts he would recieve during the day, even if she was in the same room but somehow it felt better. It felt like their relationship had somewhat been renewed that they were confident that they were now going to last the mile, the worst argument possible already come and gone, she felt confident that was for sure. She would even go the whole way to saying this was her forever. She was sure of it. They were forever.

Cheryl and JB: Only HumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora