xiv. The MFC Fiasco

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"It looks like we're gonna go through the alleyway, huh?" you said, peering over from Douchebag's shoulder to see the town map. Aqua did the same thing but came from the other side.

"Yes. It's the quickest route to get to Medicinal Fried Chicken." Aqua answers.

"Welp, that settles it. We should probably hurry before Classi gets anymore crazy." you said as the two nod.

You three head straight to the alleyway between the Post Office and D---Mobile. You hear a loud cry coming from the alley, you think it's probably best to ignore it. Douchebag straight up opens the fencing with you and Aqua trailing behind. Three Raisins girls appear from behind the bins, shutting the fence closed. Three more appear from behind the cans, "You made a real mistake when you attacked us." The blonde says, cornering you three. You really have no idea what they're talking about since you were pretty sure that you didn't get in a fight with them, but you guys really have no choice but to fight them.

The battle starts with the Raisins girls wasting their turns to get close to one of you three.

Douchebag finally gets his turn, who shot fireballs at two of them. One of them gets knocked out from his attack.

It gets to your turn and you pulled out your revolver (Lyn had gotten you a smaller projectile weapon just because from the things that happened last night.) and shot one of the Raisins girls close to you. She gets knocked out from the shots you gave her, you reload your gun as Aqua's turn starts.

Aqua summons her persona as all of the enemies got stunned from seeing it. All of their turns got skipped making you three wait for a while.

It took a while for you three to beat them all up. After you shot the last girl with your gun, they all get up and surround you three once again. "You really think you're tough shit, don't you? Well, it's time for you to meet someone. Say hi, Rebecca." The brunette says as they step back revealing a thick girl with pigtails who was very sweaty and angry at the same time.

"I'm gonna break you half and stick you up my butt." Rebecca huffed.

The fight begins once again, it starts with Rebecca doing a body slam on Douchebag, who got pushed back hitting you in the process.

As they get closer to you three, Rebecca whips out her phone looking frantic as she stares down on her phone. "Oh my god. Oh my god." she says, a surprised look written on her face.


"A thousand people just disliked the picture of me in ballet class on Instagram! I'm totally getting trolled right now!"

One by one all of the Raisins girls whipped their phones out, accusing one another.

"What the f... Heather why'd you tweet that I was going out with Eric Cartman?!" the raven haired hissed and accused another Raisins girl.

"I didn't!" Heather retorted.

"I'm totally getting trolled right now too!" The blonde beside Heather cried out.

"What the fuck, what the fuck?! I just lost all my followers!" Rebecca said, her voice cracking.

"I have to get to a computer!" One of them announced and all of them ran out the alleyway, Rebecca screaming "What the fuck, what the fuck?!" again and again. You three watched them scamper, unaware of the new presence in the alley, who had just descended from the roof of a building.

"Hello, you three." A feminine voice greeted the three of you, causing you three to turn around. Call Girl, your companion in shadow battles. You could've figured out who's tactic was that if you were not about to be crushed by a plus-sized girl. "Don't worry. I'm unfriending their Instagrams exponentially. They won't be back for a while." Wendy said, putting away the two phones she had been using earlier.

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