C h a p t e r T w e n t y t w o

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Sophie's POV.

"I don't understand why your supposed to wear dresses to these things." Sophie grumbled as she tugged at her dress's red lace.

"Because it's a formal event and you need to make a good impression," Biana answered and sat down next to Sophie on her friend's bed. "Besides, you look fantastic."

Despite Sophie's dislike of formal things, if wearing a dress was going to get the Neverseen to sign a peace treaty, she would do it.

It had been a week since Mr. Forkle sent out a message to the Neverseen for a peace treaty, their enemy clan had thankfully accepted the offer to discuss the matter in person, so Sophie and the others from the previous war meeting were now leaving for the Neverseen at six that evening.

"Okay then," Sophie sighed and hopped off the bed. "We better get down stairs if we're gonna have dinner before we leave."
(The Vacker's we're joining them for dinner that night.)

Biana nodded, wearing her own pale purple dress for the trip, and the two started down the spiral stairs.

"Your just in time," said Calla, carrying a large platter of food as Sophie and Biana settled down at the dining room table, both their families already there.

Calla laid down the platter and left with a quick glance at Sophie, the cook taken it upon herself to check in on Sophie ever since Keefe had left for Exillium.

Sophie's mouth salivated as she looked over the Mashed Carnissa Root, and Calla's specialty, Starkflower Stew.

"We thought you might never come down," Grady joked as he spooned a bowl of Starkflower Stew.

Sophie smiled. "Biana supplied me with plenty of dresses options, so it took a while to chose."

"Because you didn't like any of them," Biana reminded her with a playful glare.

"You look good in anything, Sophie." Fitz smiled at her.

Sophie gut twisted and she couldn't bring herself to return the smile.
She hoped no one noticed.

Fitz dropped his eyes and he picked at his Carnissa Root.

Unfortunately for Sophie, Grady and Edaline did notice.

They glanced at each other for a quick second with a curious look in their eyes, but didn't mention it.

The rest of the meal was spent in awkward silence, no one wanting to say anything that could add to the tension.

Afterwards, the two families gathered outside where four large carriages and the rest of the Blackswan members that would be joining them, were waiting.

Grady took Sophie hand and looked into her eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Sophie." He said with a smile. "You made this possible when no one else could try."

Sophie returned with a nervous smile of her own. "Let's hope it'll be worth it."

Her dad nodded, the pride not leaving his eyes, and led her to the second carriage.
"If you don't have any objections," he said. "You'll be riding in this carriage with Biana, Fitz, Dex, and your companion. Your Mother and I will be riding in that first carriage with Alden and Della."

Her name is Linh, Sophie thought, not 'companion.'

Instead she said, "I'm surprised the carriages can fit that many people."

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