Chapter 1-Invitation

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Before this story starts, it's important to add that if you didn't read the description of the story: Trigger warnings!! This story has mentions of Self harm and suicide. It also has detailed descriptions of murder scenes, rape, and gore. If you are sensitive to this stuff, please, self care is number one importance, please do not read this book!!

Ink, Dream, and Blue read the letter that was sent to them, inviting them to play a game.

Knowing Bill, it probably wasn't a fun little game, but a game of life or death.

"So what do we do?" Dream asked the others worrying.

"Well, we can't really do anything except, except the offer and go. It's not like we have a choice." Ink said as he set the letter down on the table.

"Well, we should start going then. Before things get weird." Blue said standing up.

Dream and Ink looked at eachother worryingly. Before they stood up as well, and made a portal to Bill's nightmare realm.


"This is bullshit. Why not just kill him?" Nightmare grumbled as he slammed the letter down.

"Uh, because he's basically Bill Cipher. He's more than a god, super OP, and someone you should not mess with. Have you seen Gravity Falls?" Killer said as he picked the letter back up and reread it.

"Yes. Yes we have. And an insane guy, an old grunkle, a dude that was lost in space and time, a brat, a punk, two random workers, and two 13 year olds took him down. I'm pretty sure 8 magical skeletons that are known for destruction and some other magical beings can defeat this guy." Error replied, leaning back in his chair.

"But, are we going?" Fell asked looking at everyone for answers.

"Of course we're going. Got anything else better to do?" Nightmare asked looking back at Fell.

"Alright then. Let's go." Error stated getting up and creating a portal.

Everyone walked in expecting an easy victory.


"The hell?" Geno wondered as he looked over the letter. Reaper reading it over his shoulder.

"What does that triangle want now?" He asked reading over the letter as well.

"To play a game?" Geno answered, questioning on what this could be.

"Oh boy. This can either turn out bad, or horrible." He said turning to Geno.

"Well, got nothing better to do. Might as well." Geno said standing up.

"You aren't serious." Reaper asked floating over to Geno.

"What's the worse that could happen, he sent me this invitation, he must know who I am. He must know my condition, so I will one hundred percent not die." Geno said turning to look at Reaper.

"But doesn't that scare you? That he knows who you are, your strength and your weaknesses, your ups and downs, your secrets. Everything." Reaper concerningly whispers in a hushed tone.

"Of course it does, but it's not like I have a choice." Geno shrugged.

"Now, you don't have to come, but can you at least make a portal for me?" He asked.

Reaper sighed. "If you're going, so am I." He opened a portal for both of them, and went through.


"A letter? For me?" Sci questions as he opened the letter.

As he read it, he became more and more curious and interested and scared at the same time.

"Well. I guess I have no choice but to go." He said as he folded the letter again and put it in his pocket.

"Might as well try this now." He pulled off the sheets of his unused invention.
A teleporter.

He had recently discovered the existence of alternate universes and made a device to teleported to them. He has tried it once to make sure it worked, it was an, interesting trip to say the least. Now at least he knew it worked.

"Here we go." He breathed as he went through.


"Brother, something came in the mail for you." UnderLust Papyrus spoke as he held out a piece of paper to his brother, Lust.

"Huh. For me?" Lust questioned as he took it.

"Well, whoever it's from probably wants a good time, so I'll leave you two alone for awhile. See you later Sans." Papyrus closed the door, leaving Lust with the letter.

"Oh my! What a letter this is. This Bill!Sans has a fun game for me to play." Lust was confused. He couldn't teleport. How would he get to his AU?

Just as if his thoughts came to life, he was magically teleported there.

"I guess if this "Bill!Sans" is willing to put magic into his letter, I might as well go. Don't want to let all that effort go to waste." He said while looking around.

What an adventure this'll be.

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