Chapter 12-Meditation

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After the skeletons all concluded Error was ok, they went back into their groups. Not their pairs. Well, a pair for two skeletons.

"This is so strange! Why is this happening? Is there anybody new on your list?" Geno grumbled pacing back and forth.

Reaper closed his eyes for a minute. He then opened them to find Geno still frustratingly pacing. "Nope. No one new."

Geno groaned. "I don't understand! I don't see a pattern. Nobody's died these past few days, at night and in the mornings! And I hate that I don't understand it! I should be smart enough to know! But I don't! And it pisses me off." Geno paced more faster.

Reaper sighed and walked over to Geno. He wrapped his arms around the smaller, stopping him from walking around anymore.

Geno struggled to get out of Reapers grip. Insisting he was fine and didn't need a hug or affection.

"I know you don't. Just close your eyes and take a deep breath. I'll let you go once you have." Reaper said slowly and softly.

Geno followed Reapers instructions. He closed his eye and took some deep breaths and loosened a bit.

"Focus on your breathing, how it affects your body with each inhale and exhale. Don't think about anything else. Just your breathing and your body." Reaper gently spoke.

Geno kept his eyes closed. Trying to focus on his breathing and nothing else. But it was hard for him. His mind kept wandering. He tried to breath harder and heavier so he could hear it louder than his thoughts.

"Remember, breath normally. Don't try to force out any breathing. Just breath. In, and out. In, and out." Reaper said slowly.

Geno focused on Reapers voice and breathed with Reapers count. He breathed in, and breathed out. Slowly, but calmly.

After a while, Reaper stopped talking and looked at Geno. Geno opened his eyes and looked back at Reaper.

"Good. Now look around you. What do you see?" Reaper said loosening his grip on Geno just enough for the other to turn around to look at their surroundings.

"Trees, and grass, a lot of nature. Skeletons in the distance. A colourful sky." Geno said looking around.

"I see that too. But you know what else I see?" Geno turned back to Reaper, waiting for him to continue.

"I see a smart skeleton that's over thinking everything. A handsome red and white figure infront of me frustrated over something he can't control. A perfect soul that's confused on something no one can explain. I see the love of my life struggling and hurting, and needing my endearment." Reaper said softly looking into Geno's eye. Speaking what he felt was the truth the other couldn't see. But he saw it as clear as day.

Geno blushed and hid his face in Reapers chest, taking his arms and wrapping them around Reapers waist and pulling him close.

Reaper chuckled and wrapped an arm around Geno and used the other to pet the smaller skull. He gently kissed Geno's skull as he felt the other relax at his touch.

"Reaper." Geno mumbled.

"Yes love?" Death questioned, rubbing the others back soothingly.

"...Thank you." Geno hesitantly spoke, loving the attention the other was giving him.

"Anytime my love." Reaper smiled.

"Hey! Love birds! Get over here, we're talking about shit that you probably want to hear!" The two looked over at the group of skeletons.

Reaper sighed before letting Geno go. Geno, pouted at the loss of the touch, but walked over to the group of skeletons with his mate.

"Good. We're all here. Now, we think we've noticed something." Killer said, stepping back down, and letting Nightmare step up instead to talk.

"He's toying with us. He knows that hanging and electricity won't actually KILL us. Hell, he's a skeleton himself! He's trying to make us suffer as long as we can in the mornings, and have one of us kill our friends at night." Nightmare grumbled clearly irritated at the game he signed up to play.

Error stepped up, letting his anger teammate cool down, and finished their thought. "That's what this is. He isn't here to kill us, just here to make us suffer and pick us off one by one. That's what this is. It isn't some murder game, it's a game where he controls us his little game pieces and make us do what he wants."

Everyone fell silent. It was pretty accurate what they came up with. And no one liked the sound of how accurate it was.

"Well, I mean, how many ways can you kill a human but only hurt a skeleton. I'm sure there isn't anymore than these two. Right?" Ink said, sounding half hopefull, half unsure.

"Well, there are quite a lot of ways actually. Though I'm not sure how human bodies work, because we're skeletons, we don't have muscles and organs and systems like humans. So, the ways you can kill a human that includes damaging those part of their body, won't effect a skeleton." Sci said, sounding to calm to anyone's liking.

"He sounded way to calm. He's onto something." Geno whispered to Reaper. Reaper just nodded, not really having an opinion on anything.

"Thanks for that helpful realization." Nightmare sneered at Sci.

Sci flinched back. Trying to avoid the daggers Nightmare was shooting at him.

"Well, it's getting late. Let's get back into our pairs and talk about his more tomorrow. We're all shaken from the events that happened today. After a nights rest, we'll come back and talk without fear and negativity clouding our minds." Dream suggested.

Eveyone agreed to take a rest and got into their pairs. The said their good nights and parted their separated ways.

There was a comfortable silence between Reaper and Geno. They walked side by side.

"It's a nice night toni- Hey! Put me down!" Geno was lifted up and held in Reapers arms. Reaper carried Geno bridal style as he continued to walk ignoring Geno's complaints to put him back down.

"Geno, you should sleep. You've been stressed all day today and yesterday. I'll admit, attending this game wasn't the best idea you've had, but it also keeps you entertained and let's you experience things you love. Things I know I could never give you." Geno stopped whining and listened to Reaper talk. He'd only seen a calm and serious side of him only a few times. It was almost strange seeing Reaper so calm and caring and not so flirty.

"But it all wouldn't matter if you're frustrated through it all. So just sleep. Okay? Don't worry. I'll be right here."

Geno sighed before giving in and leaned against Reaper. But he found it hard to sleep. Everthing was so drastically different from he savescreen. And for so many years of wishing for a change, he finally got it. But it wasn't the one he had wished for. It was funny even.

"Breath Geno. Slowly in and out. And focus on nothing but that. Not even me." Reaper said softly.

"Not even you? But you're all I can think about." Geno smiled as he tried to focus on his breathing like Reaper had instructed.

Reaper chuckled softly. "Then you can dream of me."

Reaper felt the smaller go limp in his arms. He looked down at the peaceful skeleton sleep. The rising of his chest, the soft breathing, the smile still on his teeth before falling asleep.

Reaper smiled and kissed the sleeping figure in his arms.

"Goodnight my love. My you sleep in peace." Reaper spoke as he laid Geno onto the grass in the spot the picked. He laid next to his lover and took one more look and him, before falling asleep snuggled up next to his Geno.

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