Chapter 18-Talk and Important A/N

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After the group hug, everyone got together in an even bigger group. And I mean everyone.

"So, thanks to Cross, we know he's not immortal. We can hit him if we catch him off guard." Nightmare recapped for everyone.

"But what's a good time to catch him off guard?" Ink asked. "Only three people see him at night. He surprises us in the morning, during the trials, there's a barrier between us and Bill, and he disappears in the afternoon. Cross was able to hit him because it wasn't a physical pain making him unable to move. We can't predict what Bill is going to do next or if the person can snap out if it like Cross and get him."

The other went silent trying to think of answers.

"What if we explore the place and find out where Bill sleeps. Then, we can get him there!" Blue suggested.

"Bill doesn't sleep." Killer spoke, thinking. "He would most likely trick us to think he's asleep, then surprise us, and kill us."

"Should our goal be on killing Bill? Or should it be on killing the killer? Because the sooner we kill the killer, the sooner we get out. And I'm pretty sure Bill is preventing us from teleporting out of here. So if we kill him, we're basically stuck here." Reaper pointed out.

"So, what do we do then? It would take at most 13 nights to figure out who the killer is, and it's already been four nights. So, stall another 9?" Dust asked, confused.

"I guess. Unless there's away to figure out the killer faster. Do you think he kills the killer but not the civilians?" Error asked. He has asked Bill about the skeleton who was supposed to due that day, and all his answers were no.

"But that's not how the game works. And knowing Bill he probably loves to kill-"

"He likes to make people suffer and just cause total chaos." Killer said. "So, in the way he's doing things, he will probably make all of us suffer, until we guess the killer."

"So, we just keep guessing until the 13th night when the detective will find out who the killer is and share it with the group so we can all vote for them?" Ink questioned.

"Unless have any better ideas, yes." Error said.

"Ok." Everyone agreed. 9 more nights couldn't be that bad, could it?


"Hey, Geno. Quick question." Fell asked, getting the attention of Geno.

"Yes?" Geno responded turning around to face Fell.

"Why do you keep voting for Sci? Four times in a row. I just want to know why." Fell asked curious on what the answer would be.

"Well, he's to quiet, and says really, not good things in an unfazed toned voice. Like the other day saying that there were a lot of ways to make a skeleton suffer but kill a human. He gave off information way to calm. He also doesn't do much in the group and participate. And no one besides you seem to hang around him. It just seems suspicious to me." Geno listed off his reasons, as Fell listened and Sci shrunk smaller and smaller into Fell's side.

"I see. But, maybe you should, at least try something else. Because, I've noticed from this whole situation we're in, he's becoming an insomniac. Staying up all night. And I have to stay up with him and try to get him to sleep. Ending up only getting around 20 minutes to an hour of sleep. And Bill has never once came around. Staying up all night with him, I should know if he's the killer or not." Fell explained. Sci has actually been getting better at sleeping with Fell by his side, but it's still hard to actually get him to sleep.

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