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Thank you for the questions.

Favorite ship: ALL OF THEM! But if I had to pick one, Crossmare

Favorite book on wattpad: I would say RSWTBS 1,2, and 3, but those books got deleted so, Ghost Stories or Sparks that light our love

What do you like about writing books on wattpad: My favorite thing about writing books are of course the readers. Especially the commenters. You guys comment hilarious things. Always make my day. But the actual writing part, I think I like how I can underline and bold and italic words to emphasize words.

How am I good at writing: Idk. I just write it how I would say it. As if I was telling a story. Not writing it. And add emotion to the chapter. Or else it's dull and boring.

Favorite thing to do: listen to and play music, hang with friend and play Kario Mart with them, draw, and read wattpad stories

Why did I hurt Blue: Because everyone was assuming him of being the killer! And I was like "Ha! Yes. He is definitely one hundred percent the killer. Suffer the consequences of pointing fingers." But they were valid reasons. Can't blame ya.

How do I have the motivation to write and publish a chapter almost everyday: it's not really the motivation, more of the boredom. Also, having a whole bunch of exciting ideas I really really really want to write about, then I can't wait to write them. I also stay up till 2am to write.

Do you ship any other ships other then the ones in this book: POTH! Kustard.

Favorite snas: Cross snas!

Favorite AU: There are thousands of AUs, I can't choose just one. Sorry.

Favorite Papyrus: I did not expect that one! Probably have to go with Original Undertale Papyrus. I mean,  you can't beat the original.

Halloween Costume: Probs just gonna write "Growing Up" on a piece of paper and stick it to my shirt with tape. I mean, that's pretty scaring to me, idk about you.

Chocolate: Uhh... I don't like choco- JK! I LOVE CHOCOLATE! I don't actually know if this is a question or if you just wrote chocolate to write chocolate, but we are now friends.

Do you like to draw? What do you find fun to draw: I do like to draw!  I find it fun to draw people doing stupid things. I also like to draw my OC'S because, who doesn't?

Do you think Nightmare is hot or cute: Is this even a question? BOTH!

What do you think of Fallen Stars: I don't have any clue what that is sorry, but I'll look into it!

Are you happy right now: Thank you for checking on me I'm still a piece of garbage!  But a happy piece of garbage!  :3

If you still have any other questions you can still ask them, but I hope you're satisfied with these answers.

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