Behind The Scenes for Crossu Birthday!

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Cross: Hey guys. So, today I am on the set of Mafia, chapter 33 this FEELS fimiliar. It is my birthday so I was allowed to give you all a little sneak peak of behind the scene! Uh... so at the moment I'm with Bill practicing knocking me out and it is, not fun. This is definitely, actually no. I was gonna say one of the weirdest birthdays ever but... I don't know the set of underverse is pretty..... interesting to say the least.

But Epic came over and brought some birthday cookies so, that was fun! He chilled with us and watched some scenes play out so, that was pretty cool. It was fun hang out with him and the other sans's! Nightmare gave me a ring pop and I put it on. I didn't know what that was about but, idk. I had to take it of before my part so, that was sad.

Um... we're working very hard on the next chapter so, we hope it turns out good. Sorry it's taking a bit long. We like to procrastinate. Umm.. at the moment it's break time and Epic left so, that was sad. But it's okay because look!

 But it's okay because look!

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Omg! He's soooo cute!!! Omg. I love him so much. The scene he was just in used a lot of magic for him. He was so tired he just collapsed on me, and he's sooo cute!

Anyways. Uh... because it's my birthday and I can do whatever the fuck I want and because it's been a while, I was given permission to give you all some sneak peaks to the new coming chapter! Ya!

Okay, here we go.


"Wait!" They all looked over to Sci.

"I-I really don't know if this'll help, but we saw Error, hanging by his string." Sci said.

The others nodded not knowing where this was going. "But, as we established with Dream, skeletons can't die by that method. We don't really need air, so that meaning someone else must have done it."

The others eyes glowed with the sudden realization. They now knew their friends didn't have a death wish and he probably is in a better place now. That also gave a clue that someone must've done it. And the only person that with Error was,

"Ink." Geno spoke, now confident in his answer.

"Well isn't that a shocker? Anyone else?" Bill offered. It was silent once more. They were all thinking Ink but, there was always a chance it could've been someone else.

"Anyone?" Bill spoke curious. Was it really just one person today?

The group remained silent. They really had no one else to blame. They didn't have any proof of anything. And Ink was the only one by Error so, it made sense. Possibly Sci because he was awake as well without Fell. And Dust seemed pretty broken by his friends death so it couldn't be him. But Sci said it was done by someone. Would he throw himself under the bus? Why would he do that?

"Well, then, I don't think we need to vote then, come on up Ink!" Bill gestured for Ink.

Ink just walked up. He didn't really care he was being picked. It didn't bother him.

"Now, Mr. Smarty, that was a reassuring realization, but what you have to understand is, whatever you say I'll make sure to crush it and make your day the worst it could possibly be." Bill smiled.

"For example, I'm going to crush your day by killing you're all favorite squid." Bill smirked.


Cross: Ok. That's all I'm gonna show. I'm excited to finally release the new chapter! Hopefully soon! Happy birthday to me! Now I'm gonna go before I wake Nightmare up. Bye!

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