Chapter 21-DT&Insults

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The next morning, the usual scene played out. Nightmare and Cross came first, then Dream and Killer, Blue and Dust, Geno and Reaper, Ink and Error, Horror and Lust, and finally Fell and Sci. They all talked for a bit, until the usual killer conversation played out.

"Anyone missing or suspicious?" Nightmare started.

Everyone stayed silent.

"Anyone you think it could be." Nightmare asked.

Everyone was silent yet again until,

"No hard feelings but I think, maybe the slightest bit, Blue may be the killer." Killer said.

Dust snapped his head over to Killer, glaring intensely at him.

"Well, look! He had yet to be challenged, and he may be a bit to nice and to quiet. He keeps his distance, but also adds enough in to be suspicious. Obviously hiding something, but covering it up by being more active and nice in the group. Out if anyone, he would be the last you think the killer is. He's friends with the star sanses, Error, you, he's growing on everbody" Killer explained.

"True. And, back when that huge gaster blaster hit him, he should have died. No monster could have lived that attack with out Determination. And the only way get Determination is by being born with it like Frisk and Chara, or killing and gaining Determination, or being injected with it. And I know for a fact Blue does not have a Determination soul or has been injected with it." Ink pointed out.

"Well, not exactly." They turned to Geno who had started talking. "Just like Undyne and myself, we haven't killed anyone, yet we still survived after the kid did the run. Sometimes you don't need DT injected into your it's just a feeling we have. And it's strongest when we're determined to save someone. For Undyne, it was Alphys and the other monsters. For me, it was my brother." Everyone remained quiet. Geno didn't just talk about his brother.

"Even though he was gone, I was still determined to avenge him." Geno explained.

"But when monsters get injected with Determination or have Determination, they melt don't they?" That's what made the amalgamates? That's what happened to Undyne and you." Ink questioned.

Before Geno could start talking, Sci stepped in. "Yes, but just like Undyne, she did melt, but only after Frisk killed her. That could've happened with Blue. Maybe he'll stay like this until he's struck down or, he's still determined to help Dust with his new problem." Sci turned to Geno, afraid that he would be mad for cutting him off or saying the wrong thing. But Geno just smiled at him, proud Sci had decided to step up.

Sci smiled determinedly back and turned to the others. Geno stepped up by his side and looked at the others as well. In unison they said,

"Blue is not the killer for the reason of determination!"

"Geno, I'm proud of you for finally not going against Sci, but I'm also really jealous. Come over here and hug me." Reaper said. Geno sighed, but chuckled as he walked over and hugged Reaper.

"I am yours and only yours. Don't worry. Fell can have the nerd." Geno smiled.

"Good." Reaper smiled back. Sci smiled as he also returned to Fell's side.

"So, if it isn't Blue, then who is it. Because even if we all agree and believe Blue isn't the killer, we still have to vote on someone." Ink asked.

"Well, actually, I have a feeling you might be it Ink." Geno said turning to Ink.

"What?" Ink asked shocked.

"Think about it, you are always blaming people, you talk quite a lot, and on the first night, why did you even wake up to see Dream and Killer gone? We didn't have alarms the first night, and everyone was asleep except Dream and Killer. And you were up before all of them." Geno explained.

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