Chapter 4

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Through the major misunderstanding that lead to the marriage meeting between the unsuspecting Joshua Lore and Henry Reyes, there came an unlikely friendship between the two primary PA's of the companies.

From the Lore family was Hanna's live-in assistant Haerin Park, a young woman who had been interning for the Lore's since her middle school days, slowly rising through the ranks. Archer had brought her to his mother's attention when he returned from university and joined the company, for once not interested in a girl's beauty but her hard work and capabilities within the secretarial sector. Once Hanna saw the girl's commitment and work ethic, she was invited to work within her personal team during the summer before her final year of school. This ultimately ended in Haerin receiving a sponsorship for her 2-year secretarial studies degree as well as a full time job following her graduation, including a room in the Lore's family home. She was now on her third year since graduation.

Caroline's personal assistant was not as blessed as the girl who had essentially become part of her employers' family, if she would allow it. Ramy Kapoor was a couple years younger than Haerin, however he had been working full time within the Reyes' secretarial department of since just before he turned 16. Unlike the girl who had started working early to support herself, Ramy's situation had forced him to drop out in his first year of high school to support the rest of his family. While not educated nor having opted for a GED, he had steadily risen through the ranks until he had found himself in a senior management position from sheer experience.

The head of department had eventually informed Caroline of how they could no longer promote the young man due to his lack of official education and after a few discussions, he became the youngest assistant for a president at the age of 18 in the history of the company. This had all happened just 18 months ago, and in that time both presidents agreed he had really flourished in his job.

Of course there were a good number of similarities between the two young people in regards to work ethic and capability, however that was not what had led to their unlikely friendship. It was the pure insanity both their employers had shown recently, the same insanity that had caused the unfortunate pairing of the two second sons, the very same insanity that had led to them checking the locations of which the marriage meeting was occurring.

Neither would ever say it out loud, in fact they couldn't deny that Joshua and Henry the assumption that they could be gay, but they thought their employers had completely lost the plot. Similar to Joshua's initial notion, all they could think about was what sort of bad romance plot this was. Were rich people just strange? Of course neither could ever even dream of being in a situation where something like a marriage could cement the death of something as vast as the Q Group, it was simply too out of scope for regular people. But that did not mean they could not tell the whole situation was ridiculous.

These two had come so close that they exchanged personal contact information to discuss how weird this merger was at its core. There was plain logic too it yet what really triggered it was two sets of parents deciding their respective sons were gay. The thing neither could quite fathom on top of everything is that there was no conversation at all. Today was the day that the two were meeting for their marriage meeting and it had never once been confirmed that the possibility was fact.

Of course it was impossible for that to have occurred seeing as it was simply not true.

These two had noticed the flaw in their own argument, they had both seen a picture before agreeing. However this just drew them onto another topic: why on earth would they decide to use paparazzi pictures? Especially pictures that barely showed the others features. Joshua's picture was from half a mile away on full zoom with a horrible camera, yes you could tell he was a looker, but nothing more than that. Joshua's was even worse, he was just a floating head in some bushes.

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