Chapter 32

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When Joshua finally left the room, after making sure his sister was comfortable and asleep as well as changing his top and grabbing the things Henry had asked for, he heard the Reyes's heir berating Henry.

"But how can you have no prepared food? What were you planning on eating for the weekend?"

"I wasn't planning on an injury, that's for sure. I was going to cook. Besides, I'm going home for dinner tomorrow anyway."

"Then come home today."

"Well, come home today."

As Henry let out a tired sigh, Joshua limped over to the couch, dropping the things he had brought on the coffee table before sitting down, the crutched set down next to him.

"I have work to do, you know I can't work at home anymore, especially not if I'm like this. None of you will leave me alone." Before his brother could reply, Henry answered back, "No, we have tried it. Thrice. I'm already behind and I can't run around to get what I need when I go to work on Monday, and I can't type as fast. I need to prepare everything before I go home for dinner."

"Then what are you going to eat today?"

"I'll order food."

"Absolutely not. Not just after we angered the Q Group to this extent."

"You're too much! I'm not a baby, Sam."

"Well you are to me!"

Henry did not have an answer to that, bringing the argument to an end.

"I'll cook you some curry."

Henry groaned at his brother's solution, much to Joshua's amusement. If Samuel was cooking curry, it meant he was making a big pot, usually about 10 servings. This was not by choice, it was just one of the few recipes the man knew and he was not well-versed enough in the kitchen to proportionately reduce the recipe.

"Don't complain, it is not up for debate."

"Well then, I guess everyone is eating before leaving then. I don't want leftovers after tomorrow."

It took Joshua a second to realise what the younger man had meant. They were all staying to eat, most likely whether they wanted to or not.

As Samuel started to tinker around the open plan kitchen unit, Henry remembered he needed to talk to Joshua about his conversation with Samuel. They would have to go to the spare room for that though. Seeing that the other man was plugging in the charging pad, probably for his phone, Henry dug out his own mobile, throwing it into Joshua's lap; he didn't bat an eye, putting both devices on charge.

Henry decided to change into his sweatshirt. Due to his injuries being concentrated on his arm, side and palm, he unfortunately had more trouble than he thought he would, barely managing to get his brother's jumper off before finding himself out of breath. It felt like too much work, he hadn't thought his injuries were that bad, but they had reduced his mobility considerably. The man started to dread the moment the effects of the painkillers would wear off.

"Do you want help?"

Henry had felt Joshua's eyes from earlier in his struggle and so was not surprised when he heard the offer. What he would like was to turn the dark hair man down because it hurt his pride having to need help changing a simple shirt. However, there was a limit to Henry's stubbornness, and he really did want get changed out of the bloodied t-shirt he had been wearing since last night. This meant, with a relatively sour look on his face, he nodded.

Once Henry had shuffled closer to Joshua and angled himself to face him, the other man helped pull off the white t-shirt. Henry's face was dusted with a blush, his embarrassment clear on his face. Normally, seeing this, Joshua would be urged to tease the him. However, today he did not even glance at Henry's face, he was too distracted by his body.

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