Chapter 35

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It was the designated lunch break of the Reyes's accounting department, most of the staff having left their dimly lit, by choice, office to grab a meal and unwind a little. The merger had swamped them with a good amount of extra work seeing as how out of the blue it had been. The members of the relatively small department had the run between different department and collaborate with finance and HR to make sure things ran smoothly both with the merger and regular operations.

The only ones left in the office space was Henry and his well-seasoned section manager, Felicity Osei, working whilst eating to avoid any overtime. Today was the day of the dinner, meaning Henry wanted to be on time so Penelope could have an adequate practice. Meanwhile, today was Felicity's husband's birthday, she did not want to break their long-term tradition because she did not finish her work on time.

Unbeknownst to them, the rest of the department had already decided that they would pick up any slack if they did have anything remaining.

Felicity because she was such an integral part to the department having started from a single intern to a well-versed manager with a family. Many of them had watched her family grow and none of them wanted her husband upset. He was the sort of person who, upon first meeting, you would want to treasure and protect, the notion only growing as people got to know him; despite being a man in his mid-thirties, he was still considered cute by most.

In Henry's case, it surprisingly had nothing to do with his family. The young man was just so earnest and hardworking, he had won the hearts of the whole department, and all of those from the departments he had previously been placed in. His charming personality and youthful smile was a refreshing breath to those he came in contact to at work and they all wanted to cherish him while he was here. Upon finding out the reason he wanted to be on time was because he had made plans with his sister-in-law-to-be, they unanimously decided that they would do everything in their power to make sure he left on time.

The two of them were extremely diligent workers, so they of course put in as much effort as they could to have their part of the work completed. Especially Henry, who felt bad for not being able to run between departments himself despite being an intern.

This was why the two of them were still working. That did not mean they were sitting in silence.

"I really am amazed you managed to hide such a boyfriend from all of us. It did not even seem like you were dating."

Henry wanted to cry, because he really hadn't been. However, talking with his section manager about the supposed relationship, he found himself a little better at acting. It was different when he was with Joshua, but on his own, he really could act like they were in a relationship, keeping up the bashful and shy act he had put up in front of his older brother. "Well, I do put the effort into keeping my personal life out of my work life. Also, it would have caused a lot of problems if we had been caught, for both companies."

"Well, you are not wrong," the woman was not overly optimistic, acknowledging that if the situation hadn't been dealt with as delicately as this, thing could have gone horribly downhill.

The woman looked around for a second before giving Henry a serious look. Felicity had been working within the company to recognise not everything was as it seemed to the public eye; it was too convenient that this was all announced shortly after the Q Group announced its expansion.

"Do not take this the wrong way, it is not that I doubt your relationship, but the sudden engagement is related to the Q Group's bold move, right?"

Henry could not hide his shocked expression fast enough.

"We have not known each other too long, however you come off as far too careful to marry someone only a year after having met. So, the only reasons I can think of as to why are either your parents urged you to go public with an engagement to speed up the merger in retaliation to the Q Group or the group found out about you two and were threatening to expose everything. I do not think bad of your parents, they are exceptional people, but I can't help but feel that the marriage was more down to them than you and the second Lore son."

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