Chapter 22

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The door was opened by Gin, his face unhappy. He was not surprised at the stunt Joshua had pulled, however he had also arrived to Henry needing to be woken up. He had pressed the doorbell and called his phone for a good 10 minutes before he found himself having to hack into the lock system and open the door. Considering the fact that the building was owned by the Reyes, it was a rather difficult task which had required a further 10 minutes.

In the end, the man had only just managed to get into the apartment, dragging Henry out of bed and straight into his bathroom for a quick shower. It was then the doorbell had rang, indicating Joshua's arrival.

Letting the beautiful man in without the bat of an eye, he assessed how he was dressed. At least one of the two had done something right. Joshua was wearing clothes similar to his marriage meeting outfit, casual but clearly fashionable and expensive in Gin's eyes.

Joshua had decided he did not want to hear nagging after a busy week, for once putting on an outfit that he was sure the other man would approve of.

The only thing the redhead wanted to change about the man was his stiff demeaner. Luckily there was a rather simple solution to that.

Grabbing a highball glass, Gin quickly mixed a drink before going over to Joshua, who had been awkwardly sitting on the couch, and handing it to him. "Drink. I don't wanna hear a peep until it is finished."

The other man was rightly suspicious as he examined the light pink, ice cold drink that had been thrust upon him. However, with nothing else to do and a lot of experience with Gin and his pre-drink habits, Joshua could only throw the drink back and gulp it down. His mouth filled with an icy cold, berry sweet yet bitter liquor flavour, which quickly became a burning sensation in his throat, which tried to seize. Despite the burn, he had already committed and was not willing to make a mess, bearing through what had clearly been a strong, sipping drink he would never usually finish.

Once finished, he chocked a little, his face red from the battle he had gone through in the last 10 seconds.

"What on earth was that?"

Gin couldn't help but smirk at the clear sign the liquor had already started to affect him, of course he had purposefully chosen the two alcohols that Joshua was scarily weak too. He wasn't sure how the drink took effect on him so quickly but it was just as he predicted. With this, Joshua should loosen up considerably.

"One part pink gin to nine parts raspberry vodka with some cranberry."

Joshua could only send his friend an incredulous look, it was as if the redhead wanted him to die of alcohol poisoning before they even had a chance to get out of the apartment. "Do you want to kill me?"

"God, no! But get you dead drunk? Absolutely." Gin was only returned with a disappointed headshake.

A door opened, followed by a shout.

"Gin, grab me a towel! Why did you even shove me in th..." Henry swallowed his words as he saw the beauty of a man he had ended up engaged to sitting there, face a little flushed and a glass in his hand. What had once been a regular annoyance towards his friend had become an earth-shattering sense of shame. Henry felt that Joshua had seen too many uncool sides of him for how long they had known each other, barely week.

Managing a polite nod, his face filled with embarrassment, Henry greeted Joshua, if somewhat curtly.

The other man wasn't sure whether the pre-drink Gin had subjected him too had been extremely potent or is the stress of the whole fake marriage situation was driving him a little insane, but he couldn't help but stare. Henry's sandy hair was dripping wet, almost completely covering his face, his warm amber eyes almost glowing through the considerably darker locks of hair. While it was just his head that he poked out of the door, you could see a decent amount of his lightly tanned torso, aesthetically defined muscles on show.

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