Chapter 7

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Of course that is not what was of importance at that very moment. John spoke first. "I apologise but we are going to have to cut the evening short. I am sure you understand."

"Of course," Caroline answered as Hanna picked up her bag to get her phone, presumably for a car. She had mentioned during dinner that her and her husband had been in the area for business and walked with Haerin to dinner. Seeing that their son had brought his car, the couple had then planned to drive back all together instead of calling for an extra vehicle.

Now the plan seemed to have backfired with such a shocking change in circumstances.

"Don't call for a car, we'll take you. I am feeling quite worried now too."

Marcus nodded I agreement with his wife, adding, "Plus with the news, I am sure you want at least one of you to get there as fast as possible and none of you are in a condition to drive." John felt as though his mind had been read, he was just about to propose that he take Joshua's car and go ahead. But Marcus was right, attempting to drive now would be nothing but bad.

After thinking for a second, Hanna agreed. She felt extremely close to Caroline after talking for a few days, she felt like her support would be better than her equally as worried husband.

"In that case, how about our sons stay here with Haerin and when she feels better and Joshua had calmed down completely, they can come to us." The parents all seemed in agreement, only Ramy thinking that could pose a problem seeing as the second Lore son was still shaking a little. But he knew Henry well, he was not going to let Joshua drive if it was unsafe, and so there was nothing wrong with the plan in his eyes – even he had to admit the parents seemed to have been right about their decision.

They all looked aver to Joshua and Henry, still consoling Haerin. "Is that alright?" Rmay's thoughts were proven right about Joshua as the words completely flew over his head.

In an attempt to not completely freak out at the thought of Penelope injured, Joshua had invested everything into making sure Haerin was alright.

Henry naturally took lead once he realised how he was the only clear-minded of the three. "I will make sure both of them get to the hospital safely, you have my word." John found himself almost unable to wait until he could call Henry his son. Normally in a group, if Joshua was out of it the entire group would be doomed. But Henry Reyes didn't seem to fall into that category, he complimented Joshua perfectly.

With the confirmation they needed, they left the restaurant. Henry stood up and called over a server, asking for the check, before going back to calming down the young lady, and in lieu Joshua.

The server had seen everything, easily recognising the two pairs of company presidents. He rightly assumed that the two good-looking men were the less famous members of the two families. Most of the public knew that both the Reyes' and the Lore's kept things quite quiet about their second sons, and now the server could understand why. The two clearly had a good relationship, of what nature he really could not tell – nor would he judge; but if some people came to realise that he Lore and Reyes families were quite close, it would cause quite the buzz, the negative kind.

But if that was the case, what were they doing together I public now? Was it because of the Q Group's expansion? Was a big change about to come around?

When the server came back with the check and a card machine, he saw the young lady on the phone, wiping her tear-stricken face. Slightly behind her were the two beautiful men, the older looking one with slightly wet eyes. The blond man had his hands on the other man's shoulders, talking somehow harshly but comfortingly, the words too soft for the server to hear; under the words, the dark-haired man seemed to visibly calm down. He still couldn't tell just what definition their bond would come under, but it was undoubtedly strong.

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