Chapter 40

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No one said anything to how the engaged couple came to dinner almost ten minutes after Penelope had told them to come down. Even if Henry had tried his best to cover it up, the evidence of his heavy crying was still displayed on his face for all to see.

Thankfully, for the sake of the Reyes's collective sanity, even though he seemed a little down, he seemed a little lighter.

In that moment, Caroline was glad that her second son had grown up to be more like her husband, because even if Henry was sometimes too quiet about things, he had a strong heart. For her and Samuel, if someone had done even half of what Caleb had done to her son, they would be out for blood, so boiling for rage that by the time they cooled down and were ready to move on, the event would have left a deep imprint on their hearts.

This was not the case for her husband and younger son. As much as they were hurt, they had always been quick to calm down and get on with their lives, almost as if brushing the entire thing off. She had seen it many times growing up with Marcus and had seen signs of it early on with Henry. She always thought of it as an annoyance and shame considering his capabilities with ruining people – not something a parent usually values so highly within a child – however now she was happy he was like that. If not, she does not want to think about how horribly this event may have ruined her child.

It was Hanna and John who were a little worried.

Joshua hadn't shown it outwardly since he became a teenager, however he had always been a sensitive child. Not in the conventional sense, in fact he could be outrageously numb to some people's emotions; it would make his family want to pull their hair in frustration. However, when it came to people he cared about or people he could understand, Joshua would feel too much of their pain, sometimes even more than the original person felt. A lot of this was attributed to his high level of comprehension from a young age combined with his perfect recall. His memory meant it could also go on for a long period of time before he could slowly forget the horrible memories and get along with his life.

At that moment, his frustrating emotional numbness would lead him to completely disregard the entire thing, however it always left a mark.

The Lore parents could only hope that Henry seeming a little better so quickly would also have an effect on Joshua.

The parents really did know their two second sons exceptionally well... excluding the shy virgin part.

And their sexuality of course.

The two young men sat down and quietly started eating.

Joshua could not help but compare it to the curry he had on Saturday, the cook's food really didn't have the same feel. He could not help but want it again. How he would go about that, he had no idea.

Even though the Reyes family did not have a habit with keeping quiet during mealtimes, the calm atmosphere had them follow suit. The Lore's normally would not subject guests to how their family operate, normally accommodating to others. They found it a little strange to have outsiders go along with it. Then again, with a second thought, Hanna and John realised they were not outsiders at all, not anymore.

They had shared a few meals now, Caroline and Marcus quickly picking up that, unless alcohol was involved, the Lore's would all put their food down and pause their meal when talking. It was not hard for them to realise the family did not usually converse during meals. Meera had also picked it up, giving her husband a warning. Henry was one to just follow the mood of a situation – of course he did not feel particularly talkative in that moment anyway.

It was not until they were presented with dessert – a pavlova the young home bound pianist had been helping decorate when Henry arrived – that a discussion was struck, by none other than the boisterous Lore heir himself.

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