Chapter 30

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It was well past midday by the time the both families had finally all sat down again. The servers had brought out replacements for the food that had gotten cold during the handling of the horrifying yet strangely entertaining events that had taken place.

For a while, there was near silence from the table, everyone had come to realise they were now far hungrier than they had originally thought. No one could fault them considering what had happened.

Well, some could fault the blatant day-drinking from the parents, which had led them to be somewhere between merry and tipsy.

Around halfway through the meal, John broke the silence.

"I do not want to alarm the two of you, but since you have been busy the past few days, we did not have a chance to discuss things with you two." It took no genius to work out which two the words had been directed too. "We are holding a reception event for the completion of the merger in week after next. There is discussion of it also serving the purpose to celebrate the engagement."

Due to the warning, both of the beautiful men had stopped eating to listen to what John was say. As they heard what had come out of his mouth, they were glad they had heeded the warning, only being able to snap their gazes to each other, making confused eye contact.

Marcus continued, "Now, obviously it is not that out of the blue. Both of you know how extravagant a party we threw for Samuel and Meera, Hanna and John didn't exactly hold back with either Archer or Joshua when they entered the company. People will find it strange if we had no celebration. You two might be in the clear but we aren't."

Marcus had made a very good point which both of the involved men understood. They did not like it, but they understood it.

What they disliked more, however, was what came from Hanna's mouth afterwards.

"And, well, you two are getting married; despite everything, it is a reason to celebrate."

What she had said was also very true, the matter of fact was that Joshua and Henry were pretending to be a real couple to their families... eventually. Joshua didn't want to particularly think about the fact that he really was going to marry a man – in an ideal world, by some miracle, the Q Group would be stopped before the marriage becomes official. Also, despite her regular expression, the man easily recognised his mother's excitement. Archer was yet to get to an emotional maturity that allowed him to have a somewhat romantic relationship at he least, forget stable. He would end up being the first one to get married in his family, she was most definitely excited, as was his dad.

Henry, despite not being a fan of the entire idea – which he hid remarkably well – couldn't help but ask, "Will there not also be chatter if you celebrate the engagement and merger at the same time?"

The two fathers couldn't help but feel their hearts ease, the second sons seem to be back to their usual selves for the most part.

Caroline raised an eyebrow, "Do you want an entire night dedicated to the two of you and your relationship?" She could not help but chuckle at the look of distaste that covered her younger son's features at her teasing. "The two of you, while social at these sorts of events, are still known for being quite reserved. The press may talk, but there will not be much gossip amongst the middle-upper class. We can get away with using what you two want as a reason."

The younger man couldn't help but scorn in his mind, what he wanted was for his family to not think he was repressed gay.

Silence fell for a minute, both second sons quickly noticing the shifting gaze between their parents and brothers. They seemed to have something else to say. At the other end of the table, Meera and Penelope were sharing a look between themselves, holding back laughs. In the end, the youngest present took it upon herself to announce the seemingly unspeakable topic.

To Save Our Families, Let's 'Marry' (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now