Chapter 13

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Despite the fact that both men had put their opinions aside, there was a clear reluctance as they discussed their 'relationship'; the entire thing felt horribly wrong but they needed to stop the Q Groups attacks before someone else got hurt. However, even with such a strong motive, neither were all too happy with the fact they were announcing their plans to marry to the public in less than half an hour.

Henry dropped the pen, the two finally leaning back with a sigh, they seemed to have a story down, now it was to make sure that they both had it committed to memory. The older man picked up the paper covering in Henry's enviable writing, pushing his dark hair out of his eyes. "So, we met by chance outside the venue of a conference I had gone to with my family just over a year ago."

"I came to pick up Meera because she was feeling sick and you had come out to smoke, so you kept her company until I had arrived."

So far, surprisingly, there had not been any lies other than the fact that they had met. This had really happened; in fact they had found many occasions at which they could have met each other and hadn't since they had never been introduced.

"After a couple more coincidental meetings, we hit it off without knowing about the others family." Henry paused at that point, not wanting to be the one to say the worst part of this fake history. Joshua quickly realised this and frowned, sucking it up and continuing. "After some, eh, 'natural' progression, we started to... you know, d-date." He couldn't hide the disgust in his voice.

"You have to be the one to say that, I will give the entire thing away." Henry scowled, not liking it but unable to deny, responding only with a stiff nod.

"So, it was after that, for some reason, we found out about who our families were..." Even though Henry had continued, he still could not understand why this whole plot took such unrealistic approaches, who doesn't know about their partners family before dating. However, Joshua had given him some relatively clever reasoning: they would have kept quiet due to traditional stigma towards homosexual relationships.

The older man had reasoned that if they had to act as a gay couple, they should at least play the sympathy card. If people feel even a little sorry for them, they will question the story a less.

"And when we did, we decided to keep things under the wrap since we were young and all."

Joshua could feel his skin crawl as they continued to discuss things. "A year goes by of this whole thing, we realise we are serious. Talk to parents, they get along, merger comes out of it, after discussions, present day. Now as long as no one asks us any ridiculous questions, we should be alright. I need another smoke." The entire topic had made him so uncomfortable that he had prematurely ended the discussion, something the other man greatly sympathised with, along with the final comment.

Of' course, over the last hour and a half, they had come up with more than just that, they had detailed a few opportunities for them to meet and tweaking them to become a part of the insane, fake love story. There were a good number they had given some depth too.

Henry had given the idea that any more personal fact could be countered with their desires to live quiet lives, something not may could refute given how hidden they had always been from the media.

They also recognised the controversy behind publicly announcing their 'relationship' and then saying they wanted to keep things private. Joshua eventually came up with a semi plausible excuse entailing they wanted to help break the stigma and no longer wanted to hide their relationship from the world, which did not in turn mean they wanted to have a public relationship.

It had been a plot to a romance novel the dark-haired man had previously read, a heterosexual novel of course, it would be quite some time before Joshua was ready to stomach homosexual ideas. This entire situation made him feel a little homophobic, however the majority of his thoughts were due the shock and stress of the situation he had found himself in.

To Save Our Families, Let's 'Marry' (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now