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"You need to tell them Tee" Copter said and Tee could hear the vexation in his voice. "If there's a chance that one of them is the father then I think you definitely need to tell them." Since when had Copter become his voice of reason?

Tee closed his eyes and tried not to think of that night. He wrapped his hands protectively over his still flat stomach. He was nearly five weeks pregnant now, and he'd kept it all to himself since the day he'd found out, only sharing it with Copter. He forced his eyes open and glared at his friend.

"Of course there's a 'CHANCE' that one of them is the father," he sneered. "A bloody thirty-three per cent chance for each of them. For fuck's sake, Copter-what do I do!"

Copter folded his arms and glowered at him. "I have absolutely no sympathy, Tee. You had a night of kinky sex with three of the hottest young men alive and now you're paying the price. Did you sleep through that dreadfully awkward sex education class with Mr. Thaworn in high school and miss the part where you use a condom before getting down to business?"

Tee squirmed. He couldn't recall anyone remembering to use protection at the time. "It's all my fault," he groaned. He should have remembered to use one!

"No-you weren't the only one there, let them take responsibility as well," Copter said in a soft tone and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I don't need them-I can do this on my own!" This is his baby, his mess.

"Tee, you're my friend and I love you, you know I do," Copter said giving him a hug, before releasing him and saying, "But if you don't tell them, I will

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"Tee, you're my friend and I love you, you know I do," Copter said giving him a hug, before releasing him and saying, "But if you don't tell them, I will. You have one week." Copter stood and left the room, leaving Tee glaring after him bitterly.

"I don't recall the part where I agreed for you to run my life!" he screamed after him.

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