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"He's so tiny!" Godt cooed, leaning over the cradle and tickling a tiny foot. The baby stared back up at him with wide brown eyes.

The baby was pale with a tuft of light brown downy hair. There was no indication as to who the father was. All of three of them are fair-skinned and Tee was paler than them, but Tae knew that meant nothing.

Tae hadn't held the baby yet, though he was itching to carry him and hold him close. He was perfect in every way. Ten fingers, ten toes, Tee's nose...

Tee was lying in the hospital bed, half asleep with exhaustion, watching them all fuss over the baby through half-lidded eyes. Tae wanted to... He sat in the chair next to the bed and said, "How are you feeling?"

Tee smiled weakly. "I've never felt better," he mumbled. Tae took his hand and squeezed.

"He's beautiful isn't he?"

Kimmon had picked up the baby and was cradling him to his chest with a whipped expression. "Tee, what are we going to call him?"

Tee rolled his eyes. "'We are not calling him anything. I am going to name him Phoenix."

Kimmon looked at the baby. "Phoenix," he pondered. "Phoenix. I think he likes it."

Tee looked at him. "Of course he likes it, Kim. I chose it after all!" He held out his arms. "Can I take him?"

"Do you want to go to Daddy?" Kimmon said in baby talk. "Do you?"

Tae and Tee rolled their eyes at his antics. Kimmon handed the little bundle to Tee, which prompted Tae to let go of Tee's hand.

Tee stared down at the hour old baby and smiled. "Hello Phoenix," he said softly which surprised Tae. "Welcome to the world."

Tae and Godt had barely made it back from Hong Kong in time for the birth-not that any of them had been allowed to go in the room. It was a blessing that Tae had his chopper prepared in case they needed to fly back urgently due to Tee's situation. They joined Kimmon in his pacing outside. Tee's water had broken early and that had been it, it was time for the baby's arrival.

Tae observed Tee and Phoenix with a twitch in his chest so strong that he thought that there was actually something physically wrong with him. The two of them are his family. He felt that knowingly, his lover and his son. He knew then that he didn't care about the biology of it. He already loves Phoenix, why would it matter if he isn't his biological father? He loves Phoenix and he loves Tee.

"Can I-" he started, craving to finally hold Phoenix, but was hindered when the door opened and in came Brissa and Boone Jarujitranon. Behind them, Kimmon paled and muttered an excuse and made a dash for the door before Tae could blink.

"Oh look at him Boone, isn't he perfect?" Brissa somehow managed to block Tae's access to Tee. "Our first grandchild-I can't believe he's finally here!"

Tae glanced up at Godt who mouthed, "Later," and followed after Kimmon. Tae closed his eyes and wished.


Tee surprised himself with how quickly he adapted to parenting. He'd read up on it during his pregnancy. He loves his baby more than he'd ever thought possible.

Phoenix bore no resemblance to any of his possible fathers, nor to Tee-although Tae swore he had his nose-as though fate was playing a cruel trick.

All three of the 'fathers' doted on the baby, offering to help Tee with little things concerning the baby, wanting to take him out for walks, each of them taking turns with nappies and bathing.

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