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"I'm gonna ask him what the fuck is his problem!" Tee said as he got up on his feet and almost sent his chair toppling to the floor. "Why is he so temperamental?"

Godt reached out to steady the chair, before looking at him glumly. "Why do you think did Kim go after Tae?"

Tee paused by the stairs, ready to go up to find Tae. "What?"

Godt waved a hand. "Kim and Tae, they're a thickset and they're most probably having their own private little party upstairs." He folded his arms with a loud huff. "Sorry Tee I know you like Tae..."

Tee thought about denying it, but what would be the point?

"I could murder a spicy chicken salad wrap with sesame peanut dressing," he said instead and then, hearing his own words added, "Fucking hormones." He shoved his anger at Tae to the back of his mind. "Damn it, I'm going to bed."


"Well, baby, this has been lovely," Brissa Jarujitranon said, gently dabbing her mouth with a napkin and placing it neatly on top of her plate. "Now tell me, Darvid, when are you going to make an honest man out of my Ponpon?"

Tae choked on his coffee, barely managing to grab his napkin in time to catch the explosion. Beside him, Tee is bewildered and his cheeks flushed dark pink. "Mom!"

"You don't need to act all indignant Tee, that little baby in there deserves to be born into a steady home and that means the two of you getting married." She turned her sharp steely gaze on Tae and suddenly things slotted into place, the reason for this invitation to dine at the exclusive Vertigo at the Banyan Tree wasn't just because Tee 'deserved a treat' after all.

"Um-" What on earth was Tae supposed to say to that? If this was really his baby then he'd have made sure he and Tee... Shit.

"We don't know for sure if Tae is the real father!" Tee confessed in a rush. Followed quickly by, "I'm sorry we kept it from you, but-" Tee closed his eyes, his expression one of pure mortification.

"Oh Tee, why didn't you say before?" Brissa's reaction was gentle. "Who's the other potential father?"

"We won't know for certain until the baby is born," Tae said, misunderstanding the question. "I'm going to be here for Tee." Tae reached out and threaded his fingers with Tee's.

Brissa's eyes narrowed but she didn't push any further. "If you really love my son," she stated, looking pointedly at their joined hands, "You will marry him regardless of if the baby is yours or not."

"We want to do things in our own time," Tae said, tightening his hold on Tee's hand. This is a shithole. They were trapped in this godawful situation and Tae wanted, no, needed, to know if the baby was his. He wanted him so much, the idea of not being the father was getting more and more distressing with each passing week.

"Mom, please, just drop it," Tee said meekly, rubbing his twenty-week belly. "And please-don't tell dad. He's been impossible enough as it is."

"He's coming round already. He was talking about a trust fund for the baby the other day. However, as much as I hate lying to him, it is for the best until you are certain-no point causing us any stress."

She signalled the waiter and pushed back her chair. "My coat please," she said when he came scurrying over. "Boys, I hope there will be no more surprises?"

"No more mom," Tee said miserably. "I'll talk to you later in the week."

She leant forward and kissed Tee's cheek. "Darvid," she nodded politely at Tae and allowed the returning waiter to help her into her coat and left.

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