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"Tee, can we talk," Tae said, making Tee jump. He'd been engrossed in his book, Kimmon was at the restaurant and Godt had gone out to who knows where and he thought Tae was at the office when he hadn't seen him all morning. Phoenix was fast asleep in his crib next to the couch.

Tee blinked up, trying to look passive. He saw Tae leaving Kimmon's room that morning. Before Phoenix was born Tae had spent almost every night in Tee's bed. Which isn't happening since he gave birth, means it was all just sex for Tae in the end.

He closed his book. "Sure" He swung his legs to the floor and gestured for him to sit. "What about?"

He watched Tae steel himself and did the same for himself. Do not react; don't show him how much he means to you.

"It's about us." Tae played with the tiny hole in the knee of his jeans. "I know that we've never discussed it before so I don't know how you feel about-"

A loud cry filled the air from the direction of the crib. Tee offered a silent prayer of thanks to all the gods as Tae jumped up and said, "I've got him," and walked towards the crib to pick up Phoenix. "Hello little prince, how are you today?"

Phoenix stopped crying and looked into Tae's eyes with adoration. Tee couldn't deny that Tae has his way with him.

"He's probably hungry," Tee offered. "He's about to feed. There's a bottle in the fridge, you can just reheat it. As a matter of fact, that would be helpful since I'm going out a bit later and need to get ready."

"Oh. Are you taking Phoenix with you?"

"No, uhm I was hoping one of you would be able to babysit?"

"Of course," Tae said. "Um, Tee-"

"I'll try not to be back too late. It's only a first date so I doubt I'll be out all night, and it's not as though-you know-so-"

"A date?" Tae's voice was barely a whisper. "But I thought-"

"I know we agreed that we would all live here together until we have the results. Nothing was said about dating people outside of the house. I bumped into Earth Watthanasetsiri the other day after I met mom for catching up and we got talking-did you know he was gay?-anyway, he asked me out. He knows about Phoenix so it's not going to be a problem."

"Right. Well, that's great, give him my best wishes would you?" Tae stared at the baby and said, "Come on you little fellow, time for your dinner." He smiled at Tee and headed for the kitchen, looking forlorn.

Tee slapped his palm on his forehead and said, "That went well." What had he expected? He'd only bumped into Earth, who used to be Tae's football captain in college and chatted for a minute, Earth had hit on him, Tee had said that he'd send him a message if he felt like going for a drink-he had no intention of going through with it-yet the moment Tae wanted to talk he couldn't think of anything else but making him jealous and it had to be someone other than Kimmon or Godt.

Shit. Now he'd have to text Earth and see if he was free for a drink, or he could always hideout at Copter's for the evening. What the hell was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just confront Tae? Before Phoenix was born they were almost there, but now he was starting to think it was all in his head. Everything was about sex. As soon as that was off the table he became invisible.

He stood and went downstairs enough to peek through. Tae was testing the temperature of the milk he'd just warmed and screwing the bottle lid on one hand while balancing Phoenix on the other arm. They look adorable together.

"Your Daddy's got a date tonight Phoenix," Tae said to the baby as he sat down in the big armchair in the corner. "What do you think about that, hmm?"

Tee went back. He had a message to send.


"I fucked up completely," Tae groaned wretchedly while idly playing with Phoenix's bare toes as he slept peacefully in Tae's arms. "Earth Watthanasetsiri!"

"Dude, calm down," Kimmon mollified him. "I thought you were going to tell him?"

Tae had admitted his feelings towards Tee to Kimmon the other day. It had been a mutual exchange of confidences, with Kimmon sharing his concerns that Godt was getting bored now it was just the two of them with no chance of a third or fourth in Tae and Tee. They talked about the first time that nothing sexual happened with just the two of them since the night of Tee's twelfth week scan. After that, it just never occurred to them. "Back then I'd have blown you to cheer you up," Kimmon had said, to which Tae had replied, "I would have let you," and they'd stared at each other in surprise. "Now I don't want you to."

Kimmon had asked him if there was a time he fucked Godt without him or Tee there and the answer had been no, the same for Kimmon and Tee. It only ever happens when all of them are there until it stopped and they'd paired off.

Now Tae could tell Kimmon, "I was trying to tell him when he told me he has a date with Earth tonight. I'd almost let myself believe that he feels the same way. I'm such a dumbass!"

"No-Alright, yes you are, but no more than me. If Godt hadn't laid out his cards on the table after your trip to Hong Kong then I'd be still wondering if he gave a shit about me, so-"

"We've always been oblivious aren't we?" Tae joked feebly. "Remember when Bas had it so bad for you and you haven't got a clue?"

"You're one to talk-remember Pring?"

How could Tae forget? He'd actually kissed her to avoid hurting her feelings and embarrassing her which had obviously turned out to be a wrong move.

"So you and Godt are doing alright?"

Kimmon beamed, his eyes turning hazy. "We're giving it a try, yes," he said dreamily.

"I'm happy for both of you." Tae really was but he couldn't help but compare his non-relationship with Tee.

"You've got to try again and tell him Tae," Kimmon said earnestly. "Tonight. Before this thing with Earth becomes serious."

Tae felt his stomach churn but he knew Kimmon was right. Phoenix stirred in his arms, his eyes opening drowsily and his bottom lips wobbling. "Uh-oh," Tae said, lifting Phoenix up higher in his arms. "I think someone needs changing."

"Here," Kimmon held out his arms. "I'll do it. I'll watch him until Tee comes back so you could talk to him in peace."

"Thanks, Kim," Tae said, handing over Phoenix and giving Kimmon a one-armed hug. "You're the best."

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