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Tae's been having butterflies at the pit of his stomach the moment he'd offered to visit Tee's parents at Jarujitranon mansion and it became worse when they got there, stepping through the entryway into a grand drawing room to be greeted instantly by a very formal butler in a uniform.

"Master Tee and Mr. Kreepolrerk, my name is Jasper, at your service. Please follow me to the conservatory where Madam Brissa is," Jasper said and stepped out from the room without looking if Tae and Tee were following.

"Is your dad home?" Tae whispered out of the side of his mouth as they followed the butler, even though Tee knew where it was.

"He'll be in the garden," Tee said without giving further details. Tae's hope of Boone not being around died, maybe he wouldn't be informed of their visit or he would just choose not to join them once he knows Tae is here.

They stepped into the conservatory and found Brissa Jarujitranon sitting by the wrought iron table near the open patio doors with a pitcher of ice-cold drink in the middle and three glasses laid out. When she saw them approach she stood. "Ponpon-baby!" she held out a hand and Tee took it, letting himself be pulled in to a hug. "You never leave your visits this long, where have you been hiding?"

"It's complicated," Tee mumbled and Tae could see how nervous he is, even trembling slightly. "I-"

"Does it have anything to do with Mr. Kreepolrerk?" Brissa asked with a raised eyebrow. "Mr. Kreepolrerk, please join us, I won't bite you know."

Tae did as he was asked and stepped closer. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Jarujitranon," he said, and it wasn't entirely a lie-the woman is way too good in business and they have crossed paths before.

"Come on boys, take a seat," Brissa invited and sat down on the chair nearest to the pitcher. "Ponpon, dear, you look well-you're positively glowing."

Tee's face flushed red and that was the moment that did it for Tae. He reached out and took his hand, felt the slight tremor, gave it a squeeze and earning a surprised glare from confused doe eyes. He tried to relay his purpose silently, holding hands with Tee and said, "Tee sure looks good doesn't he?" He took a deep breath before continuing, "I hope it has something to do with me. You see, Tee and I-we've been seeing each other a lot and-we're having a baby."

He tightened his hold on Tee's hand as Brissa's eyes widened and flicked towards Tee's stomach. "Oh my fucking lord!" Her hand flew to her throat and she took a deep breath before saying, "That's wonderful news! We need to inform Boone immediately."

Tae can do this; he could pretend to be Tee's boyfriend if it meant things would be easier for Tee with his parents. Besides, he promised he would make more effort with Tee... for Tee. He'd struggled so far. Every time he wants to talk to Tee, he gets tongue-tied and as a result he got stuck with bare pleasantries-asking about his health, making him snacks, making small talk.

He didn't have the same problems with Godt. Godt was aloof and a snob upon the first impression, but when you get to know the real him, he is very loyal, funny and incredibly intelligent. He is also super hot, which would normally fluster Tae a little, but with Godt it wasn't like that. They'd become-good friends. Tae had no doubt that by the time this fiasco is over, he and Godt would have cemented a lifelong friendship. There is something about him that Tae just surely gets.

Tee-well, why should he have to undergo the shame of telling his parents what had really happened between them all unless he really had to? They could claim that Tee had a fling, or-whatever! They will think of something, but not right now.


"You didn't need to do that," Tee said when they arrived back at Tae's house after an awkward couple of hours at the Jarujitranons, clutching Tae's hand as his father spat colourful words to show his utter disappointment for his choice of partner.

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