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As was inevitable in a house owned by Darvid Kreepolrerk, Bas eventually showed up.

One of the house rules that they'd decided was that when possible the four of them would eat meals together. Tae had said that the reason they were living together was to support Tee through the pregnancy and be there for him when the baby was born. They couldn't do that if they existed as mere acquaintances, which is all that they had been-foursome for a night-when Tee broke the news.

As it was, things were still awkward and tense. Even Godt had been walking on eggshells around him and to think he was one of Tee's oldest friends.

Tee thought Tae had a point and that spending time together was necessary, hoping that things would improve, although he'd deny it. Unfortunately, spending time together meant putting up with Tae and Kimmon's missing piece and the only surprise was that it had taken him so long to visit. He knew he'd spent a couple of weeks in Korea with Joss recently, but Kimmon had said he came back last week.

They'd kept Bas in the dark about Tee's condition until Kimmon and Tae had visited him whilst he and Godt moved in. Tae had come back that night looking thoroughly bewildered. "He gave us an earful," Kimmon explained. Tee didn't want to know the full details. He couldn't imagine Bas being best pleased that his two best friends might have fathered a child with Thanapon Jarujitranon.

They had a bit of history when Bas thought Tee and Godt were seeing each other behind his back when Bas and Godt were dating in high school. Though they vehemently denied it, he wasn't quite mistaken since they had been fooling around in the sheets whenever Bas would say no to Godt back then. Eventually, Bas left Godt with no hard feelings as he accepted that he isn't the person that would tame him.

He on the other hand, just hates the mere sight of Bas always walking, talking or just being together with Tae. Back then, he just couldn't admit to himself that he was jealous. So he made sure to always get on Bas's nerves whenever he could.

"Tee, look at you, you look amazing!" he greeted when he stepped in the doorway to find Tee sitting in the living room waiting for him. He'd wanted to clear things out ahead since he's not in the mood for the inevitable interrogation over dinner, he hadn't expected him to be so...nice. "You'd never know-" His eyes drifted to his stomach.

Instinctively Tee placed a hand on his abdomen. "I'm just eight weeks along! Will you let me keep my body for as long as possible, for crying out loud!" he bristled. He knew he looked good at the moment, his skin, his hair, his eyes were almost glowing with health.

"How are you doing?" Bas asked as he sat down beside him, his eyes full of concern.

"How are you doing?" Bas asked as he sat down beside him, his eyes full of concern

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Tee wanted to hug him. He didn't of course, but he actually felt that he could do so just for asking that question. He didn't have to be nice to him. God knows he had more than enough reason to hate him after his behaviour towards him in the past.

His thoughts obviously reflected on his face because he said, "Let's get this over and done with. The past is the past. I think it's time for us to move on, yes?" Tee nodded, thinking back to his own similar words to Tae, and Bas's lips twitched. "Good. Now let's talk about what an incredibly lucky bitch you are-Godt, Tae and Kimmon..." he fanned himself, flushing slightly, "Sorry, sorry! Just kidding, now, really-how are you?"

Tee felt his years of animosity towards Bas fade away as he tried to blink back his tears. Please don't let me break down.

These last few days his mind had been buzzing along with his hormones. He's pregnant and doesn't know who the father was, so now he was living with all three possibilities. He'd always dreamed of having children one day, but not like this, never like this. He wanted a life partner, someone who loves him and who he wanted to grow old with before he even considered children. Now here he is, barely twenty-five years old, up the duff after a drunken foursome where he'd been fucked thoroughly by the other three. What did that say about him?

He looked at Bas, then at the door to make sure that no one was coming. "I feel so ashamed, Bas," he confided. "How could I let this happen?" He blamed his hormones when he couldn't stop the tears from falling and gave into Bas's embrace, sobbing quietly into his shoulder.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about, Tee, don't be too hard on yourself," Bas said softly. "Try to look on the brighter side. You're having a baby."

Tee sniffed and pulled away, lowering his head to wipe away his tears. "Thanks, Bas, I needed that," he said, looking up to find him looking at him almost dotingly.

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