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Six weeks after his check-up, Tee had finally managed to get the three potential fathers in one place. It had taken a huge effort since it was Godt who became close friends with Tae through their circle-Godt is a businessman, Tae owns the hotels where he usually conducts his business meetings-and Tee had to ask Godt to invite both Tae and Kimmon.

Tee still recalled when Godt had first told him that he'd met Tae when he closed his very first deal for their business, a man who had defended him one time during an altercation at the bar, drove him home, made Tee fall ever so slightly in love with him, and then disappeared from his life all at once. Which was why he didn't want to think about how thoroughly Tae had fucked him, and how although there had been three of them, it was Tae whom he remembered most clearly through that haze, Tae who haunted his dreams.

It was clear from the speed that Godt had contacted Tae that he had assumed Tee wanted a repeat performance of that night, and whilst there was a certain truth to that thought, there was a more pressing matter, "I'm pregnant," Tee blurted almost as soon as they all sat down.

"Very funny, Tee," Godt said with a snort. "If you're after another night I'm sure we'd all be-"

 "If you're after another night I'm sure we'd all be-"

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"I assure you, I'm perfectly serious."

Godt's face fell. "Fuck," he muttered, colour draining and glancing sideways at Kimmon who was sitting beside him on the sofa, flanked on his other side by Tae.

Kimmon turned paler than he was already, "I suppose this happened that night we-" he closed his eyes as he completed the sentence, "-had a foursome?"

Tee nodded his head, not surprised or offended by the question-if it had been the other way around he would ask the same thing. "Anyone of you could be the father."

Kimmon surprised him by asking, "How are you holding up Tee?" and the shock of that concern coming from someone who isn't close to him brought tears that he'd been trying to suppress.

"Scared to death, if I'm going being honest," Tee admitted and Kimmon nodded and took a quick look at Tae. "But I'm keeping the baby, no matter what."

Tae remained impassive like Tee was just talking about the weather. He didn't say anything, the silence was killing them all as the information sank in. Tee began to get annoyed by Tae's lack of response- he was the one pregnant, the one who got fucked by three guys in one night and now found himself in this situation! None of them is going to expand to the size of an effing house!

"When I said it could be anyone of you, it includes you Tae!" Tee eventually snapped as the silence stretched, folding his arms in front of his chest and shooting daggers at him.

Why did it have to be him? Why did I have to enjoy it so much? Tee could have spread his legs for ten blokes that night and have all ten of them lined up now and that would be preferable as long as Tae wasn't one of them. Tee could even accept that his baby could be Kimmon's or Godt's because at least they seemed to actually like him, but Tae's lack of response-

"How soon can we get a test?" Tae said, finally breaking the silence, still avoiding Tee's glare.

Tee saw red. "Not until the baby is born" The doctor had explained something about male pregnancy being different with a female's for that type of test-Tee knows this as well. "Trust me, if I could get one right now I would. I'm crossing all my fingers that the baby doesn't turn out to be yours, Tae, believe me! At least both Kimmon and Godt aren't cold and heartless-" The words flew from his lips before he knew it as his anger took over.

"Come on, Tee, that's uncalled for," Kimmon protested. "Tae's only asking what we're all thinking."

Tee knew that, but Tae was the only one who had taken the news terrifyingly. He isn't sure if he was disgusted at the thought of having a child with him or just the thought of having a child at all.

"Kim, it's fine," Tae licked his lips and for the first time since their talk had started met Tee's eyes. "Then what are we going to do?"

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