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Kat: I personally love this ship. And I want it to sail!

Harry: can I goooo? I'd rather be at the Dursley's.

Kat: no! This ship involves you.

Severus: wait why are we all here again? *chugs more vodka*

Kat: alright Sev, *takes the vodka away from him* that enough for you.

Severus: NUUUUU *tries to get the vodka back*

Kat: *makes the vodka disappear*

Severus: I hate my life.

Kat: we all do, Buddy. ANYWAY....this ship is...........DRARRY!

Draco and Harry: wut. :P

James: SINK

Sirius: oh lighten up, Prongs. They'd be cute together.

Kat: Thank you, Sirius.

Draco: *starts blushing*

Lucius: Don't act like you don't like Harry, son. You talk about him every minute of the day.

Draco: no i don't!

Severus: yes you do.

Draco: *blushes harder*

Kat: so....Harry..........do ya like Draco?

Harry: i-uh-erm*blushes* no comment!

Hermione: you like Malfoy don't you?! That's awful!

Harry: but, he's just so hoooot.

James: I will not allow my son to date a Malfoy! They are vile and evil!

Kat: *smacks James across the face* BE NICER!

Remus: you just smacked James!

Sirius: yeah! I say you need to be kinder.

Kat: it's fine if I'm mean.

Sirius: *glares at Kat*

Kat: so everybody, sink or ship?

Ron and Hermione: SINK!

Voldemort: I ship it.

Dumbledore: sameee. Also have you guys seen these good socks I got? They're just awesome! *pulls up robe to show fish nets*

Severus: sir, you've shown us your 'socks' before.

Harry: he hasn't shown me before.

Kat: OK! I still haven't gotten answers from everyone. Ship or sink?

Lily: I ship it.

James: Lily, how could you?!

Draco: *walks over to harry* I-uh-..hi. *kisses Harry deeply*

Harry: *is startled at first but kisses back*

Kat: awwww

Severus : ew. I ship it but can you not kiss in front of everyone!

*harry and Draco separate*

Severus: and don't start snogging in the middle of potions class either!

Draco: no promises

Harry Potter characters react to ships (COMPLETE!!!)Where stories live. Discover now