The wedding (part 2)

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Voldemort: I do!

Dumbledore and Voldemort: *share a deep and passionate kiss*

Priest: Ablus and Voldemort, you have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind, that I pronounce you husband and husband. Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you Mr. and Mr. Dumbledore!

*everyone cheers*

*some time passes and All the females are in a crowd with Voldemort standing on a box holding the bouquet*

Kat: throw it already!

Voldemort: *smiles* ok ok ok *turns around and tosses the bouquet*

Ginny: *tries to catch it*

Lily: *shoves Ginny to the ground and catches it the runs to Severus* I got it! *hugs Severus*

*lily and Severus kiss*

Kat: *claps for lily and Severus and whistles*

*meanwhile over at a table*

Harry: *glares at Severus* I cant believe Snape! He stole my mom from my dad!

Draco: Harry I'm sure your mom is happy which means you also should be happy.

Harry: I hate him.

Draco: well your gonna have to learn to love him. I'm pretty sure he's going to become your stepdad soon.

Harry: *pukes on the ground*

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