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Kat: i ship this one ALL. THE. WAY.

Voldemort: why is he still here?!

Kat: why do you keep emphasizing the word he?

Voldemort: TOM IS A GIRL!

Tom: you just ratted yourself out.

*everyone is in total shock*

Dumbledore: and here I was about to propose to you! I though you where male!

Severus: you two are dating?!

Dumbledore: not anymore! I'm gay I don't except females.

Voldemort: c'mon Albus...I'll get surgery if it means that much to you..

Kat: I-I don't ship this.

Dumbledore: shut it Snape!

Severus: I didn't say anything!

Dumbledore: I was talking to Kat!

Severus: how does she have my last name?!

Kat: nuuuuu! I've been discovered! I am your daughter from another universe.

Harry: who's your mom?

Kat: your mom.

Harry: *brain literally explodes*

Kat: well that's two down. Anyway, the ship is Romione.

Hermione: *blushes*

Ron: who's in the ship?

Severus: you and Granger.

Ron: *blushes*

Voldemort: I ship it. A mudblood and a blood traitor. It's perfect.

Dumbledore: don't be like that Voldy.

Voldemort: that nickname is only to be used when snogging! You know this, Ablus!

Kat: ew ew stop! Just sink or ship?

Severus: ship. They constantly flirt in my class.

Lily: I also ship it. They're cute together.

Dumbledore: I don't know...I always saw Hermione and Luna as a cute couple.

Kat: I've always shipped Luna and Ginny though so I don't ship Luna and Hermione. Anyway, I command Ron and Hermione to date.

Hermione: ok *starts snogging with Ron*


*they move into another room*

Everyone: ewwwwwww

Harry Potter characters react to ships (COMPLETE!!!)Where stories live. Discover now