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Kat: *is fan girling* OMG OMG OMG I LOVE THIS SHIP!! OPT!

Severus: And What is this ship?

James: yeah and where did everyone go. It's only Padfoot, moony, me, Lily, snivillus, and Dumbledore.

Kat: if you call Severus that one for time in front of me I will rip your head off your shoulders.

James: ...

Kat: anyway, the ship is...*does a drumroll* SNILY!!

Sirius: *spits his tea out everywhere* WHAT??

Kat: yeah. You heard me. 🎶Severus and lily sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!🎶


Lily: *stays quiet*

Dumbledore: SHIP

Severus: same *takes another sip of vodka*

Remus: what do you think Lily?

James: She doesn't like snivillus anymore!

Severus: wait-What do you mean anymore?

Lily: *mildly blushes*

James: she used to have a crush on you. But then she found someone better! Me!

Kat: well at least nobody can say you lack self confidence. But as the author and therefore your master...I command for Severus and lily to kiss!

Lily: wait what?!

Severus: no.

Kat: I know you love her Severus! Don't deny it!

Severus: its not that. It's the fact that I have vodka breathe.

Lily: mutters: I don't care


Sirius: prongs, calm down.

James: you calm down!

Kat: yeah you gotta chill dude.

James: DONT TELL ME TO CHILL!! AND DONT CALL ME DUDE EITHER! I don't know what it means but it sounds rude!

Kat and Lily: *laugh*

Kat: you two still didn't kiss *snaps and makes Severus's breathe smell minty* there you have to more vodka breathe.

Severus: *checks breathe* oh.

Kat: Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!

Lily: *looks nervous* do we have to?

Severus: yeah I'm not comfortable with it if Lily isn't.

James: you two can't kiss!

Kat: I mean they can. You just don't want them too.

Dumbledore: she has a point you know.

Severus: *kisses Lily*

Lily: *kisses back*

James: *pulls Severus away from lily and punches it in the face*

Kat: bad idea.

Severus: *punches James it the face and he goes unconscious*


Remus: calm down Padfoot. He's just unconscious.

Lily: great! Now I'm emotionally confused!

Harry Potter characters react to ships (COMPLETE!!!)Where stories live. Discover now