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Kat: this is kinda awkward now that you two are divorced, but uh...Jily is the ship.

Lily: sink.

James: *starts man crying* I still ship it.

Lily: I'm just gonna tell you straight up, you where an asshole to me while we where together.

Kat: damn *pats James' back*

James: Don't try and comfort me! You ruined my life!

Kat: you mean I ruined you afterlife. You're still dead.

James: *tries to attack me but I push him to the ground oddly easily*

Kat: don't attack me.

Harry: I hate you, Kat.

Kat: yeah everybody does.

Severus and lily: we don't.

Kat: other than you two. Anyway sink or ship?

Harry: ship.

Dumbledore: sink

Voldemort: I agree with Albus.

Draco: I'm sorry Harry, but sink.

Harry: If they weren't together I wouldn't be alive asshole! *runs off crying again*

Draco: *runs after him*

Kat: Harry's more of a crybaby than I thought...

Harry Potter characters react to ships (COMPLETE!!!)Where stories live. Discover now