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Kat: I see Draco was kind enough to join us. Have you and Harry made up yet.

Draco: more like made out.

Kat: better than nothing. So anyone else have any shocking news before I tell the ship?

Lily: James and I got the divorce finalized and Severus and I are Dating now.

Kat: congratula-

Harry: *starts bawling again*

Draco: *hugs him to comfort him*

Kat: anyway, congratulations.

Dumbledore: Voldemort and I have the wedding planned and everyone here is invited!

Voldemort: if you are here and a death eater it's more of a command.

Lucius and Severus: *groan in frustration*

Kat: alright, the ship is...drumroll please.

Lily: *does a drumroll*


Everyone: what?

Kat: Padfoot and Moony.

Sirius and Remus: we're already dating.

Severus and lily: what??

Sirius: yeah but moony here didn't want to come out of the closet!

Remus: I was shy okay? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

Kat: *giggles* so everyone ship or sink?

Lily: ship

Severus: *shrugs* I'll ship it.

Harry: *while still crying* I-I ship it.

Draco: I have no comment.

Kat: ok so overall we ship it.

Harry Potter characters react to ships (COMPLETE!!!)Where stories live. Discover now