Ch 13 Y/N's Confession

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Ruby was in the infirmary's waiting room as she waited for any news. The two teams then arrives asking if she is okay.

Yang: Hey Ruby. Are you okay?

Ruby: (tears up) N-No. Y/N, took the hit for me and now I don't know how he is.

Tanner: Y/N did it to protect those he cares about. Don't worry, he is the most resilient out of all of us.

The rest had nothing to say but waited as well for the news with Yang comforting her. Then the doctor comes out the door with everyone getting up.

Doctor: There are good news and some bad news. The good news is how Y/N is stable. Bad news is that there was complications.

Silver: Meaning?

Doctor: We have managed to remove the shrapnel and did what we could. Though his body may be fine his body isn't.

Ruby: When will Y/N wake up?

Doctor: Could be a day, a week, a month, or years. Time will only tell. We will allow visits starting tomorrow.

The doctor then left to go take care of other patients. Ruby began to sob even more with Yang taking Ruby back to their room. Silver and Tanner did the same. With the next day they began to visit and it was now currently the turn of Silver.

Silver: Hey Y/N.

Though the thing was you were stuck in what you assume was your mind. Everything was white and it was an endless void.

Y/N: Well this sucks. Not the worse but not the best either.

This situation was odd as you never had any sort of hunger. The only things being able to sleep and walk. Luckily you were able to hear the outside world.

Silver: Yeah sorry about jinxing us. I don't know what to say so I guess what we were on before.

Y/N: (inside his mind) If only he knew I was planning on doing so.

Silver: Screw doubting yourself and do it. I know this is odd in a time like this but Ruby ain't doing so good. Though Tanner will fill
you in on that. Anyways when you and Ruby get together here is some advice I heard.

Y/N: (inside his mind) Not really sure how I should feel about this.

Silver: I heard that with a girlfriend there is times where she can't decide where she wants to eat. Basically make her guess where you are going and take her to the first guess. Not sure if it works but you can try.

Silver continued to talk for awhile longer but then had to leave. No one else came that day but you heard that visits were done with the day. This left you with nothing to do

Tanner: Hey Y/N, so on Ruby.

It was now your third day based on what you heard. On the second day a few others arrive but not Ruby. You were saddened by this but you assumed that she wasn't ready yet.

Tanner: Well your Old Reliable is how you say is not so reliable no more.

Y/N: (inside his mind) Well that sucks.

Tanner: Anyways Ruby for the past few days has been making you a new one. I think she is also using it as a means to take her mind off of this. Well that is about it as I do not know how these things go. Though I am certain how it is the thought that counts. Well I have to go as it is about to be night.

Ruby walked in the room surprising Tanner. It was on how visiting hours should be about over but he figured they let her through.

Tanner: Bye Ruby.

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