Single on Valentine's Day- Tom Holland x reader

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a/n: this is based on the song single on valentine's day by cimorelli!! 


Well I love pink things and chocolate's nice

And who doesn't like flowers in red and white?

"Are you telling me that you don't like chocolate or flowers? I know your favorite flower is a rose, y/n." Tom teased, earning an eye roll from you.

"Course I like chocolate and flowers, Tom." You groaned, laying face down on your couch. "That's all nice for Valentine's day in theory."

"In theory? I think they're pretty nice things to give to a date." Tom smiled, earning another eye roll from you.

"Unless you don't have a date." You groaned.

I don't wanna sound like an old hag, but Valentine's Day is such a drag

Just a reminder that I've never had a boyfriend in my life

"Valentine's day sucks." You pouted.

"Yes I know." Tom chuckled, placing a cup of tea on the coffee table.

"Just another reminder that I've never been in a relationship. And probably never will." You mumbled, this time earning an eye roll from Tom.

"Well how do you wanna spend the day?" Tom asked. "We're gonna do something."

"'M gonna bury myself under blankets and eat my feelings away in chocolate." You mumbled, looking up at Tom. "Wanna join?"

I thought I was nice

Thought I was worth a shot

I thought someone could want me

But apparently not

"I don't get it, Tom. I thought I was nice." You grumbled. The two of you were currently watching World War Z (no chick flicks allowed, your rule) and eating ice cream, you wallowing in your sadness and frustration.

"You are nice."

"Thought someone could want me." You jabbed the spoon into the ice cream that was still thawing.

"'M sure someone does, y/n." Tom soothed, rubbing your knee softly.

"Pretty sure no one does." You rolled your eyes. "This holiday is so stupid."

"You've made that clear." Tom laughed. "You know there's other types of love, right?"

"Yeah well this stupid day doesn't highlight me not having friends. It highlights my lack of any romantic attention whatsoever." You said, a frustrated tone to your voice.

"How so?"

"Seriously, Tom?" You chuckled. "You can't even walk outside without seeing couples up and down the streets taking romantic strolls. Flower shops have lines out the door for people getting flowers for their significant other. Date night is tonight for like every couple in the world!"

"Okay, true." Tom raised his hands as if he was surrendering. "You're right."

"There is nothing worse than being single on Valentine's day." You sighed.


"Nope. Nothing." You replied.

"What about being sick?" Tom asked.


"Having the plague?"

"Being single on Valentine's day is worse."

"Getting attacked by a shark?"


"Uhhh....working in retail during the holiday season?"

"Close one, but nope."

"Huh." Tom breathed out.

"Yeah. It's really bad."

Hey, we should just give up now

If things were gonna change they would've gotten better by now

By mid afternoon you were pretty sure you were having a midlife crisis.

"I should give up on love now." You blurted out. You were laying nearly on top of Tom, your head resting on his stomach.

"And why's that?"

"Well, Tom, since you asked, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be alone for the rest of my life because my hypothesis is that if my love life was going to improve, it would've done so by now. And since it has not, the logical conclusion is that I'll be alone forever."

"You are so dramatic." Tom laughed, running his fingers through your hair.

"Am I, though?" You asked.

"Yes. You are." Tom insisted.

"All this stupid holiday does is rub what I don't have in my face." You pouted, yelping when Tom sat up suddenly, taking you with him. "What the hell?"

"You're so focused on what you don't have." Tom started. "Let me point out what you do have."


"First of all, you are gorgeous. Just because you've never been in a relationship doesn't mean you're not attractive."


"No buts. Moving on, you're funny, you're kind, you have lots of friends, like me, who love you, a family that loves you, you love your job, you're in school to get a badass degree. This one day doesn't define you or the rest of your life." Tom told you sincerely.

After a moment of thinking, you spoke again. "I suppose you're right."

"I know I'm right." Tom smiled.

"Hey...I don't have to spend unnecessary amounts of money on someone. I have freedom! And I don't need to stress about this stupid holiday along with every other day of the year." You listed, your smile getting bigger with every declaration. "Tom this isn't that bad!"

"That's the spirit! Feeling better?" He asked, earning a nod from you.

"Yeah, thanks, Tom." You smiled, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Anytime." He responded softly.

"So...what should we do for the rest of the night? Get takeout? Watch bad movies? Teach you what memes are?" You suggested, Tom chuckling.

"As fun as those all sound, I have to head out. I have a date." He told you, your jaw dropping open.

"Tom! You traitor!"

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