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Darren wasn't happy about Mr Tall ever suggesting the idea, which he soon brought up to Larten, who simply said if Sam wishes to join the Cirque, that's what he'd have to do.

"Hey guys!"

Sloan and Darren looked up at the sound of their friends voice as he came bounding up to them. "So, so, so? What'd he say?" Sam asked excitedly. Sloan's ears flattened as her and Darren opened their mouths and struggled for a moment to find the words.


The blonde haired boys expression dropped and he let his arms fall to his side as Darren continued. "You...can't join. I'm sorry." He told the young boy with a sad expression. Sam pouted.

"Why not?"

"It's not meant for humans, especially as young as you. Maybe when you're older." Sloan tried to tell him but the blonde haired boy pouted and kicked a stone at his feet. "I hate being told that. It's always 'when you're older', but I don't wanna wait. I wanna join now!" Sam exclaimed in frustration.

"I'm sorry, Sam. But it's not up to us." Darren said and their friend simply pouted. "Can't you just sneak me in? I don't understand whats the matter? I can pull my own weight, I know I can. So what's the problem?"

Sloan couldn't find how to respond for a moment but she didn't need to she realized as Darren opened his mouth.

"It's because of us."

Sam looked taken back as Sloan looked confused toward Darren, who gave her a glance that told her to go along with it.

"What do you mean?"

"At night, I turn savage like the wolf man—" Sloan realized what Darren was doing and felt a pained feeling inside her. "—they have to lock me away before I try to kill anyone. Sometimes I turn savage during the day and they don't expect it, that's why I stick close to Evra, Sloan, and Mr Crepsley because they're strong so they can handle me."

Sam looked confused and frightened at the same time. "I don't understand—" "and Sloan's wolf instincts will kick in once in awhile. She turns into something like the wolf man, just worse. She hunts down her prey, stalks them for awhile until they least expect it and then—" Darren snapped a large branch he had picked up as he talked and made Sam jump.

"No...but you guys would never turn on me."

"We can't...control it, Sam." Sloan lied along with Darren. Seeing Sam look so betrayed and confused made her heart ache, but she knew it was for the best.

"Just..run, Sam. Before it's too late." Darren said and Sam stepped forward, reaching out toward the two. "But—"

And it was at that moment that like she had done to RV before, Sloan bared her fangs and snarled, her claws extending quickly. Sam jumped back quickly and clutched his bag that almost fell off.


Sam still hesitated once before taking off back through the woods to go home and it wasn't till Sloan's ears stopped picking up the young boys footsteps that she retracted her claws and relaxed.

Darren shifted and placed a hand on the redheads shoulder. "I'm sorry that we had to do that, but it seemed to be the only way...thanks." Darren said and Sloan nodded glumly. "Yea...it's okay, I understand." She mumbled.

"Cmon. Let's go back to the Cirque. Mr Crepsley wanted to talk to you."

Sloan looked surprised but still silently nodded as Darren stretched his hand out to her. The redhead looked at it for a moment before slowly grabbing it and allowed the brown haired boy to pull her along back to the Cirque they called home.


It was getting close to dark and Sloan had went off to grab something to eat before it was time for the show. Darren was in the tent that him, Evra, and Sloan shared while Evra was getting ready.

Sloan slowly munched on the sausage that she had taken to have for dinner, not sure if she wanted to finish it or not because of the funny feeling in her stomach.

The feeling that she felt after having to scare away Sam has remained there all day, causing her to be distracted from everything she was supposed to do, which caused Mr Tall to pay her a visit and ask what was wrong.

"Like you don't know." She had said after he had asked, which made him chuckle. "Oh, Sloan. You know me all too well. But, I do not ask to make you think I don't know." Mr Tall has responded, which made Sloan frown.

"Then why ask?"

"Because it is healthy to vent your story, or feelings, yourself. It is a dangerous game to keep them to yourself." Mr Tall had told her, which made her realize he was right in some way, so she spilled her feelings to him until she couldn't find anything else to say.

"It is natural to feel this way, Sloan, especially having to ensure somebody's safety over your friendship, it is something that comes with life sometimes. But know that Sam is not angry with you, from what I saw of you four, I don't believe he could bring himself to be."

Sloan had absorbed the words intently and they had been stuck in her mind for the rest of the day, causing her to zone out when she thought of them at times.

And it was only when she heard the faint howl of the wolf man that she snapped out of her thoughts, dropping her sausage and shooting up.

Her ears perked up as she whipped her head in the direction of the wolf man's cage while panting worriedly when she realized his howl was farther than normal.

Sloan took off and got to the wolf mans cage in a flash to find the worst thing imaginable.

The door to his cage was wide open with the chains dropped at the side next to a pair of wire cutters. "Oh no." She whispered in horror and kneeling to the ground.

And the fear in her only got worse when she sniffed the ground to realize the wolf man's scent wasn't the only scent leading into the woods.

Wolf girl | Cirque Du Freak fanficWhere stories live. Discover now