Chapter: 2

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Chaeyoung was walking to go to Jennie's house when someone called her from afar.


Chaeyoung stopped walking. Turned around and saw a beautiful figure standing infront of her.

"Jisoo unnie! Why are you here?" Chaeyoung asked her friend, Jisoo.

"Duh, for studying? We talked about this the other day, remember?" Jisoo reminded Chaeyoung.

"Oh right! The group study. Did Lisa inform you if she's coming or not?" Chaeyoung suddenly remembered their agreement of having a group study, 'good thing I don't have to sit at the swing' she muttered.

"Yep, she said she'll be late because of cooking lessons with her dad" Jisoo said while walking together with Chaeyoung together at Jennie's house.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo were walking when they heard 'something' following them. They turned around to see if there really is something, but they saw nothing.

"Unnie, did you hear that?" Chaeyoung asked the elder with a scared expression. Jisoo just nodded as an answer trying to not face the younger with a feared look to not scare her.

"L-let's just not mind that and walk, shall we?" Jisoo said to Chaeyoung. They turned around and a voice called them. "Stop"

"Who's there???" Chaeyoung asked with goosebumps.

"Hey guys! It's me!" A familiar voice made the two girls sigh with relief.

"Hey! Lalisa! Don't scare us like that" Jisoo exclaimed with a little bit of anger. Chaeyoung nodded as she is agreeing to what Jisoo said.

"Yeah! I thought we'll be dead before we start studying" Chaeyoung said with an annoyed face.

"I'm sorry. I lost air because I ran, that's why I stopped you" Lisa explained with a guilty look.

"It's okay, don't be sorry. Let's just go to Jennie's house. She must be waiting" Jisoo forgave Lisa and they started walking again.

The girls reached Jennie's house and was greeted by the housemaid. "Ms. Kim, your friends are here" the maid reported to Jennie while leading the girls inside.

"Hey guys! What took you so long? You're late for like 15 minutes" Jennie said counting the minutes using her fingers.

"Sorry, there were a lot of accidents that came our way before going here" Chaeyoung explained the situation.

Soon after, they all went to the living room to study. After a while, Chaeyoung was suddenly reminded of him and spaced out, not noticing her friends looking at her confused.

"Chaeng? You okay?" Jennie asked Chaeyoung with a confused look. For literally 30 seconds, Chaeyoung had been out of this world, kept thinking of the incident earlier.

Finally, after Lisa snapped her finger infront of Chaeyoung, she then went back to reality asking the girls what happened.

"Nothing. Nothing Chaeng, it's just that you've been spacing out for literally 30 seconds" Jisoo revealed.

"What's wrong with you?" Lisa asked confused and Jennie just nodded as it means she's also questioning the same thing.

"N-nothing, it's just I walked by Jimin and his friends near the playground. Oh, he told me to send his greetings, Jennie" Chaeyoung remembered her brother's request and saw Jennie smile.

"Well, looks like someone is inlove. Tell me Jennie, do you like Jimin?" Jisoo asked with a big grin on her face.

"No! It's just... Let's just get back on studying. Shall we?" Jennie defended herself with a stuttering voice which led the girls tease her more.

"Looks like she does like Jimin" Chaeyoung said teasingly. Lisa also joined the teasing with a big revelation.

"Looks like she does. Last time, I saw her reading a book titled 'The Little Prince', she doesn't even like reading books" Lisa revealed.

"Ooh, I have that book! Jimin and I love reading that book. I told you guys about that book. No wonder" Chaeyoung also revealed wih a smirk.

"S-stop it! Let's just get back on studying, okay?" Jennie asked.

"Alright, enough with the teasing. We'll do those next time, but we should focus on studying now" The eldest said which made them go back on studying.

"Guys, I recommend you a book that I like. Trust me, it's so good" Jimin told the boys which led them on listening.

"Sure, I really need to read books right now. I'm bored" Jungkook said.

"It's called 'The Little Prince'. It's a book that my sister and I really like" Jimin said that led the boys looking at him.

"Jimin, does your sister have female friends?" Jin asked Jimin as he is waiting for an answer.

"Yep. They're very pretty. I have a crush on one of her friends, Chaeyoung knows about it" Jimin said, blushing.

"Ooh, who is she?" Taehyung teased Jimin.

"Nah, I won't tell you. You should know her friends first, but how can you meet her friends? It's not that I'm not close with her friends, I am. It's just we rarely meet" Jimin told his friends.

"Looks like we have to come to your house more often" Taehyung said that Jungkook agreed with a nod.

"Wait" Jin said that caught their attention. Asked him what it was.

"Didn't Chaeyoung said a name earlier? That must be Jimin's crush. Seeing his red face, that must be it" Jin said that surprised Jimin the most.

"Hmmm. Something's fishy, Jimin. Was it Jen?" Taehyung guessed.

"I heard the name was Jennie" Jungkook said that made Jimin even more surprised that Jungkook heard their conversation.

"Right! Jennie is Jimin's crush, huh?" Jin teased. Jimin asked the boys to stay quiet but the boys had conditions.

"And what are those conditions?" Jimin asked the boys.

"First, tell the names of Chaeyoung's friends and second, introduce us to them" The eledest revealed their conditions.

"Fine! There names are Jisoo, Jennie and Lisa, BUT don't steal Jennie. Second, I'll ask Chaeyoung if she and her friends have time. Happy?" Jimin said to the boys that made them smile.

Hello! You've reached the end of this chapter, is it good? Well, see ya at the next chapter! I don't have much to say.

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