Chapter: 7

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"So, why did you buy the book?" Chaeyoung asked Jungkook while walking together.

"Oh, Jimin recommended this book to us. Why?" Jungkook replied and asks back.

"Well, it's just that I didn't know Jimin's friends can be a book lover" Chaeyoung said honestly making Jungkook nod.

"I'm not a book lover, it's just that I'm bored" Jungkook revealed that made Chaeyoung sigh with disappointment that led Jungkook to notice. "I mean, I can be a book lover if this book can make me one" Jungkook added.

Chaeyoung looked up to face him with amazement, "Really? I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it. That book actually made me and Jimin a book lover" Chaeyoung revealed happily. "Really? Guess I'll be a top reader in the future too then" Jungkook said jokingly that made Chaeyoung laugh.

"By the way, why did you look for this as a gift? For whom?" Jungkook suddenly remembers.

"Oh, that was just an excuse. I actually want to buy another one because Jimin sometimes keep the book without letting me read it" Chaeyoung lied, I mean, would you tell someone you only met for two days that you want to buy a book for them as a gift? I mean, come on.

"Ahhh, you haven't finished reading the book yet?" Jungkook asks looking at her with a confused face. "I did, actually. I already read it like more than 10 times, I just can't help loving the book" Chaeyoung answered looking up to the sky inhaling the fresh air of their neighborhood.

Few minutes of walking, Jungkook thought about the question the girls asked at their first meeting.

"By the way, do you go to the same school where I go?" Jungkook asks and Chaeyoung looked at him and smiled. "Yes, I do. It's just that we don't interact because we're not in the same class" Chaeyoung answered looking at the front. "I'm actually the Chaeyoung everyone talks about, if you don't know that" Chaeyoung revealed leaving Jungkook think.
Thinking for awhile, Jungkook realizes a rumor in their school leaving his mouth open agape.

"You're Nayeon's friend who everyone thought she was the one who painted the art?" Jungkook asks Chaeyoung in full detail.

"Yep, that's me. The paint was our project and I did all the work while Nayeon is just casually hanging out with her other friends. The presentation day has finally come and when we presented our art, the teacher and our classmates gave her all the credit. Mr. Kim and the principal even asked me if I helped during the making of the art and I told the truth, but I guess they don't believe me" Chaeyoung explains and Jungkook says nothing listening to every word that is coming from Chaeyoung's mouth with furrowed brows.

Chaeyoung seemed to think that Jungkook doesn't listen to her, but when she looked to her right, she can see Jungkook furrowing his eyebrows listening carefully and quietly.

"I can't believe she did that. Did she tell the teachers you're the one who drew it?" Jungkook clenches his fists as if he's going to punch someone after hearing Chaeyoung's revelation.

"Nope, she didn't. She actually took all credit feeling happy for herself. When I asked her to clear the misunderstanding, she doesn't want to, she just walked away like nothing happened and after that, she didn't talk to me again. She found new friends again and I found mine" Chaeyoung revealed sad bringing back what happened a year ago.

"Honestly, she was my crush a year ago. But I stopped liking her after I found out that she used to cheat during exams" Jungkook told Chaeyoung his story as if they've known each other for a long time.

"Well, she did cheat, and do you know who's letting her cheat during the exams?" Chaeyoung asked and Jungkook shook his head as an answer. "Chanyeol. The one who asked me for notes" Chaeyoung said being reminded by the cheat incident that happened.

"Where did that girl go?" Jimin asks himself finding Chaeyoung at the library for the whole 30 minutes. "Aish, I told her to stay at the table! It's not my fault if she's gone" Jimin reminded. "Nevermind, it is my fault" He added.

"Did you find her? I already looked between the shelves thrice" the girl said looking everywhere to find the missing Chaeyoung. "Not yet. Jennie, do you know where Chaeyoung possibly might be?" Jimin asked Jennie as she shakes her head as an answer.

"Chill, guys. She just went out with Jungkook last 30 minutes ago" Jin revealed as he's looking at them without worrying. "And how did you know that?" Jimin asks raising an eyebrow.

"The librarian knows you guys so well. We asked her, duh" Taehyung added pointing at the librarian's desk.

"Right" Jimin said scratching his head, "How did I not think about that?" He added.

"You can be a book lover, but you can be dumb sometimes" Jisoo jokingly said.

"Hey! I may be stupid sometimes, but I'm not dumb" Jimin defended himself. "Jisoo's right, Jimin-ah. Let's just not worry about Chaeyoung now, she's with Jungkook" Jennie said. "O-okay" Jimin said with his face all red.

"Looks like someone will be quiet if his crush is teaching him a lesson" Lisa said teasing Jennie and Jimin. "Stop it, it's almost lunch time. We all have to go home and eat, let's go!" Jin said reminding them to eat lunch.

"Right! I have to go now guys, my lunch is good. I have to eat it before my dad takes it all" Jisoo said running out the door. "Me too, I have to be there 11 am sharp. See ya guys later!" Jin added.

"Well, the three of us will go now, Jimin. Our houses are near each other" Taehyung greeted his goodbye so did the girls.

"Looks like I'll go home too. Maybe she's already there" Jimin told himself waving a goodbye to the librarian before going out the door.

Hello! Please don't hate me for using Nayeon here, I actually love her, it's just that she's the first one who came in my mind as Jungkook's 'crush' and Chaeyoung's bestfriend. Anyway, see ya'll at the next chapter!

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