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In the distant galaxy, there was a giant name Ultraman Cosmos, he was the kindness giant in the galaxy, he helping the alien and monster to calm them down and send them back to their old planet or stay in Planet Juran to settle their nest and a new home for them. One day, he is flying peacefully in the space until an attack from the behind, he stops flying and turns around and saw a chaos header floating behind him. He thought he already purifies the main chaos header, but he has to purify chaos header once again. He starts to fly over the remaining chaos header particles but it was a different kind of chaos header, it's particles are still mostly the same but it feels something different from the original, it has black and white particles combines with the old chaos header particles. Cosmos is willing to try to purify this chaos header, but he was still being hit by it. He tries using his full moon rect to purify the chaos header, but it failed, it attacks him again and hit Cosmos, it causes him to bleed out some of the light, he tried to heal himself but the chaos header kept attacking it and causes Cosmos's timer to blink to the red color timer, and it's set it final attack to him and sent Cosmos to a planet that was below him.

~~~At Patch~~~
~~~Night time~~~
~~~Summer P.O.V~~~

I was in the house where I was taking care of Yang, while Tai and Qrow out for the groceries. I standing near a window and looks it outside at the window and watch the sky where the star at and it was a clear sky so I thought to bring Yang outside to watch the sky full of the star.

Summer: Hey, sweety. Wanna watch some pretty star?
Yang: *giggles*
Summer: I will take that as a yes.

I pick up Yang walks outside of the house and let Yang watch the star. I was still surprised that, Yang was excited and cheerful and the fireflies came out from the forest and flying around, Yang saw the fireflies and she tries to catch it. I laugh at Yang that she tried to catch a firefly, I look up at the sky again, I saw a shooting star that came across, from the sky.

Summer: Yang, look, it's a shooting star.
Yang: Shiny star!!
Summer: Yes, come on, let's make a wish.

I holding Yang's hands together and close it together, I told Yang to close her eye to make a wish. After she finishes wishing, I ask her what her wish.

Yang: I want a baby sister!! *toddle voice*
Summer: Ok, let's head back inside.
Yang: Ok, mommy!

I start to go back to the house, I saw the shooting star that flew by us, it becomes bigger as it was falling. I quickly take Yang back to the house and hide under the table. After a moment, the ground starts to shake rapidly for a short moment. I came out from the table and I was still holding Yang who was scared of the sudden earthquake, I went out of the house and I was holding Yang close to me.

I went to the crash site when the shooting star should impact, I slowly went over there and saw a person lying in the crater, he was wearing a blue stripe jacket and pants, and a silver hair. I slowly went down to make sure he was alright, I check his pulse, that he was still alive but with the wound on his body, I decided to carry him back to the house, and Yang was holding my hand.

As I went back to the house, I saw Qrow was in front of the house, I call at him to help me out.

Summer: Qrow, I need some help!
Qrow: Summer, where were you?
Summer: I will explain later, help me take this man into the house, he needs some bandage.

Qrow help me carry the man inside the house while I put Yang back in the crib and take the medkit to heal this person.


Daughter of the gentle giant( Ultraman Cosmos x Ruby Rose x Rwby)Where stories live. Discover now